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Everything posted by doorjamb

  1. ohmygod I just found a store that sells Branston pickle and made an absolutely EPIC brie and branston sandwich gonna have to go make another one in a sec
  2. I would appreciate its rerelease on compact disc... how about a Beat+Robot+GAK comp? eh, Warp? eh, Rephlex? eh? eh? [/wishful thinking ]
  3. doorjamb

    Now Reading

    nice! I had just biked in to say I'd had second thoughts about Satyricon since I already know how it ends, so I've picked up Journey to Ixtlan instead (never read any Castaneda before)
  4. doorjamb

    Now Reading

    ha, no I just like that picture better than any actual book cover I've seen, and since the author is technically unknown I figured he/she wouldn't mind
  5. doorjamb

    Now Reading

    just finished: (Charlie Chaplin's son's autobio, written at age... 20?!) first two-thirds: growing up super rich with maids and chauffeurs and a famous daddy is harder than it sounds (whine, moan). final couple chapters: gee, this marijuana stuff really is "quite good!" epilogue: now re-reading: because it's ancient and raunchy and awesome
  6. big black? :wtf: beat me to it the last.fm list says "small black," Big Black was different (read: way-the-fuck-better).
  7. yep (w/ red lentils, parsnip, onion, mushroom, spinach, sprouts, garlic, spices, & naan)
  8. trolls don't mutter, they either grumble or spew but back to the topic at hand: leftover lentils + tomato + avocado + mushroom + lettuce + cock sauce + horseradish + wheatberry sourdough = one bomb ass sandwich & salad with more cock sauce as dressing & a cuppa cuz I'm british, like on a related note: WHY CAN'T I FIND SOME GODDAMN BRANSTON PICKLE ANYWHERE?! or even some mediocre imitation? WTF USA?
  9. muesli (raw oats, apricots, dates, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, chia, dried goji, ground cinnamon) + unsweetened soymilk w/ black coffee & SAW II = morning bliss
  10. mango smoothie, suckas better recognize
  11. yeah they put the cocoa puffs to shame (but of course I buy the generic bulk ones because fuck general mills) edit: it's the chocolate milk that really seals the deal though, regular milk just doesn't cut it
  12. doorjamb

    Now Reading

    Just finished a short Lovecraft horror collection and now I'm 2/3 through Chimera by Barth. So far it's good (if you like his style), but I'm finding the third section (Bellerophoniad) to be slow going compared to the first half. I think that means you're doing it wrong right.
  13. homemade salmon on wheat w/ horseradish a massive peach obligatory eye swatter w/ eyes
  14. carbon based lifeforms - hydroponic garden my little bro just suggested this album, seems a bit bland so far though. no me gusto tis a bit boc
  15. doorjamb


    and I laughed to the birds, though I don't think they heard, word of the shepherd (absurd is preferred), with the purr of a cat, cattle bellowing fat, billowing mellow and yellow and that. "If ever," quoth shepherd, not missing a step, "should quiver in leather some lather concept, accept said with pleasure, sweet release without measure." Unthinkingly clever; the weather, however, seems retrorespectively flat. -moi
  16. was watching the community access channel yesterday, a show called JAAM E JAM USA (arabic and indian music videos). usually it's just pop singers, but a sort of trancey one with samples came on. all of a sudden the chorus came on and I (stoned) immediately recognized it as an aphex melody, but I couldn't place it. soon it was driving me crazy so I ran to grab my recorder. by the time I got back I realized it was just the synth line from Popcorn. made myself sit in a corner for 15 minutes.
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