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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. 2 hours ago, Schlitze said:

    He didn't answer my question about Morbius.

    I just saw the trailer - so I'll answer for him. "why the fuck would i want to watch it?"

  2. 10 hours ago, toaoaoad said:

    Finished binging these last night, incredible. Fuckin love this guy lol. I know he says the music should speak for itself, but I have to admit I always find new appreciation for it when I hear them talk about it. Also really enjoy his personality. Zero bullshit. Sean thx :flower:

    One standout for me is that the songs he still rates from Amber are the exact same ones I do, no shit!

    Me too.. Piezo! Montreal! 

    Re Sean's  "albums *eyeroll" comment  -  I've defo chewed more on AE_LIVE than NTS and Elseq - hell Im still trying to wrap my noggin around exai to be honest - thats  not a complaint tho

  3. My gf came to low>autechre in the auditorium. She's generally not an electronica listener so I was stoked to hear what she'd think. The only reference point she had was the theme music to Playdeads's Inside game, wheich she introduced me to the week before. As soon as I heard that I said "omg you'll love autechre - just imagine that game's universe when listening". She also doesn't do drugs


    Result: she totally tripped out on it, staring at the soft reflections of mobile phones on the ceiling, imaging the game

    For me it was the most autechre yet of their sets - AE_LIVE_2015 were amazing with drops and definite threads, AE_LIVE_18 was a lot more organic with fewer solid hooks and this is definitely further along thta trajectory..   very little regular melodies, beats. Nothing to hang onto..super organic and blobby. LOVE IT.. 


    Mind you as I re-listen Im sure the hooks will emerge. 



    • Like 1
  4. On 6/3/2022 at 11:23 PM, jaderpansen said:

    digging what i can make out, which isn't super-much i'm afraid, some eqing helped tho.

    around 8 minutes in i think i could spot a sped up version of the ending of ecol 4... if i'm not mistaken. pretty fucking cool!

    also thanks for sharing!

    Gorgeous - much better recording than mine

  5. On 5/19/2022 at 6:40 PM, Iwanttobefree said:

    Ae will play their first live show since 2018 in a really short time, June 3rd 19.00 (CET) at Primavera Barcelona. 

    In the name of WATMM and all the other forums, please someone do a recording ? Some of us are starving for those new sounds, even if its just a mobile audio rec, would be really highly appreciated, forever embedded in the hall of fame... 


    all over it yo


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
    • Farnsworth 1
    • Yeh just saw this - my new fave reviewer  - cos he nails it. I'd love him to do loads more aphex as well as the other biggies new and old:
    • aphex (tha, xmas_eve)
    • squarepusher (beep st/my fucking sound),
    • 'chre (piezo, pendulu hv moda),
    • BoC (anything!) 
    • Like 1
  6. Wore a wig - have a ginger beard ?

    Vinyl? I think so. I had a old school wind-up camera an took snaps of Richie low on the stage in between a gap on the desk. Richie I think took some back too - there was a bit of a flash battle anyway

    I then lost the damn thing

  7. I find them difficult to like, and I like that and other people don't like that

    Same with film... same maths, same with puzzles, same with untying knots

    I think I get a sort of dopamine hit form the "puzzle-solving" I get from listening to their music

    Over time the melodies emerge, the beats make sense, the narrative reveals itself


    Having 2 kids who have been raised slightly differently I can tell these things are developed early on and its probably hard to retrain the brain

    That's fine, i don't think everyone HAS to like them. Let people feel rewarded in their own way  - no harm no fowl







  8. I reckon Richies working on stuff and will release in some form or another

    I reckon BoC will release something in time

    My lack-of-any-insight hunches based-on-fuck-all

    However i think the monetization of music production is in flux and perhaps the touted open-source Web. 3.0 near-future will support their endeavours more than the current stream-ageddon no-money-for-artists model





  9. 11 hours ago, MIXL2 said:

    I was reviewing the cosecha transmissiones ordeal and it made me think more and more that there could be something hidden across their activity since and including TH.. I'm thinking in particular the Societas mix and the stuff that happened earlier this year in the Hell Interface fb.. 

    But who knows eh.. If there is something is probably stupid hard to find and there might as well be nothing who knows.

    Let's see what else happens.. if anything

     Album title for release 22/2/22 <- after they get all their ducks in a  row ?

    "Let's see what else happens.. if anything"

    • Like 2
    • Big Brain 1
  10. Tonight's  movie club with friends is  "Censor"


    On another note, the local cinema in the small town near me (pop 2000 ) has closed officially due to Covid. It remained closed at the start of the lockdown  but the family who run it have given up - I hope it gets bought out and rekindled. It is called the Phoenix cinema after-all . it was so warm and friend ran byt 3 simblings in their 50's and their dad before them... free tea/coffee biscuits on Tuesdays, classic films... and old style cinema shop, anual film festivals.. lovely for my kids. VERY sad to see it go


    • Sad 2
  11. Recently.....

    Dune 2021: Pure and utter shit. HATED the overblown score mostly but the pace, script, dialog,. acting, were all wooden and stale and the film is soul-less 1/10

    Dune 1984: watched this afterwards and while it ends VERY badly with rushed editing etc overall itc compelling in its characters and crazy 80's space-opera production  4/10

    The Rental: Very poor choices by its protagonists making you scream at the screen to cop-on but a  nifty little thriller all the same 8/10

    Host: One of my faves of the year - tight, original, well executed, and genuine jumps. Bravo! 10/10

    Old Henry: starts of ordinary Western ... its gets a 9/10 though


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