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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. broke his arm in Norway, looks like a fisherman

    just sayin

    Anyway Im really starting to get that antiicipation of details, vibe, that i find loads with squarepusher....the pace, the buildups, the little drops and audio easter eggs...cannot wait to dance to it with fans where we all collectively get the incoming juicey bits and revel at the live tweaks


  2. Live squarepusher, his DJ sets  or mixes  is my usual listen over albums


    Liquid Tokyo, 97

    Fuji Japan 01,

    Frigids Oz 01, 

    Tokyo 04, 

    Boston 04

    DFN 16

    BBC Electric ballroom

    WARP20 2009 hello!!!

    etc etc


    VLR, my own mashups,  various mixcloud users


    This new album is good  fodder for future live, DJ, mixes. Love it!


  3. So been digesting this all week.... love it... its made for dancing or driving and getting into that pusher zone - lots of details

    I can;t wait to rage hard at BF2020 to his finale set on the Sunday - holy shit he's gonna tear it up if he throws in loads of older shit too,  a-la Glasto

    Love that I have the NTS mix with the d/l redeem with my vinyl.. quality stuff around!







    • Like 2
  4. On 1/22/2020 at 11:49 AM, auxien said:

    ^good tunes being put out is really all that matters. the gear/story/whatever is contextually interesting sometimes (not really in this case as far as i'm concerned, wow, rich white guy breaks his wrist while out skiing or some shit, bfd. some old friend of his from 30 years ago dies? k.) but i wanna hear the good tunes and really that's it

    speaking of i think i'm the only one who hasn't heard the leak yet. another week or so tho ?

    Ive not heard it yet either... i can wait

    • Like 1
  5. Please let track 17 be on this album!!!!!


    Squarepusher @ Glade Glastonbury 2019


    1.  00:00 - 7:45      ** Acidy, synth melody, synth stabs
    2.  07:45 - 13:11     ** Drumbreaks, phat stabs, acid to banging madness
    3.  13:11 - 15:40     *  Old unreleased (Electric Ballroom 06)
    4.  15:40 - 18:40     ** Acidy breakbeat with long synths    
    5.  18:40 - 20:40        Vic Acid EP  - The Barn (303 Kebab Mix)
    6.  20:40 - 22:50     ** Acid techno banger
    7.  22:50 - 26:32      * Warp20 track acid and melodic
    8.  26:40 - 29:30      * Warp20/Rome03 banger track
    9.  29:30 - 32:29      * Warp20 track phat acid stabs
    10. 32:35 - 33:16     ** Acid jam 
    11. 32:16 - 39:30      * NTS track 1: phat n bassy fast breakbeats, rising synths
    12. 39:41 - 43:05      * Old unreleased (Electric Ballroom 06)
    13. 43:05 - 46:00     ** Fast acid techno background synth melody
    14. 46:41 - 48:05      * Old unreleased (Electric Ballroom 06) - cheezy stabs
    15. 48:05 - 51:00      * Old unreleased (2004 tour) - acid chirps
    16. 51:00 - 54:10        Feed Me Weird Things LP - Dimotane Co - fast version
    17. 54:26 - 57:06      * Not sure where played before but familiar -  punchy dark synth breakbeat banger
    18. 57:06 - 1:00:33   ** Dirty phat breakbeat banger mixed into netx track
    19. 1:00:33 - 1:04:08    Burningn'n Tree LP  -  Eviscerate
    20. 1:04:08 - 1:05:50 ** Acid breakbeats with stabs
    21. 1:05:50 - 1:10:10 ** Burningn'n Tree LP  -   Male Pill pt 5  -  fast version
    22. 1:10:10 - 1:11:30 ** Acid techno plinky plonky
    23. 1:11:30 - 1:15:25    Feed Me Weird Things LP - North Circular
    24. 1:15:25 - 1:18:55    as Chaos AD - Buzz Caner LP - Mess Head
    25. 1:18:55 - 1:24:07  * NTS track 10: Dirty junglist track w/, acid stabs, haunted synth
    25. 1:24:07 - 1:28:43    NTS track 11: Dancefloor killer - Vortack(Fracture remix)
    26: 1:28:43 - 1:33:11  * NTS track 8: Venus-17 style junglist track   


  6. I always say it..... his tracks shine though in a live DJ setting. Ive gone back to so many records because of listening to his live sets and going ... wow... that analrord/tuss/afx/druqs track is unreal

  7. 11 minutes ago, Icct said:

    wow, sorry everyone, I recovered the media then my laptop shit the bed on me...  threw my hands up at that point in frustration.  I have a temporary machine I have to migrate everything to and will upload that when I can, def not sitting on it just been busy w/ summer stuff and work... whats the preferred platform for the audio? soundcloud mixcloud?  I really wish I caught the entire Soundmurderer set, the bit I did was fantastic.  I was shocked by the number of people who left when he was up destroying the place.

    Great man.. looking forward to it! 

  8. My sense is that its a mix of these

     - he don't give no fucks

     - its out there anyway with bootlegs n rips and he knows that of course

    -  its old stuff worth DJing but not to him worth releasing as a package as he likes to  move forward in that regard

    Hey i'd love for more GP stuff but not-gonna-happen so i get what i can. 

    But you never know! 


  9. Lets break Squarepushers set-list down:

    Doesn't sound like any live-bass slappery here by the way. and he's definitely mixing tracks together

    Somebody mentioned some tracks were like Go Plastic but i really don't think so at all. More like Venus-17 in general - i wish though


    Based on source: http://uk.thelion.me/nts/

    *played before otherwise "new"
    1.  00:50 - 4:25  : Sounds newish to me -  rolling bass hits, acid action 
    2.  04:24 - 7:20  : Synth line comes in with stabs and new lower key drum loops, chirrper acid, bass line stays same as (1)
    3:  07:20 - 10:36 : *2004-6 era previously played chirppy acid track with bass stabs and newer sounds 
    4:  10:36 - 14:10 : Bit of digital jamming here i think - nice overdriven sounds 
    5:  14:10 - 17:50 : *Warp20 track- new acid line - excellent jungle loops
    6:  17:50 - 20:50 : More bassy acid goodness with fab drums and phats bass stab melody
    7:  20:50 - 25:20 : *2004-6 era previously played chirppy acid track - new acid line
    8:  25:20 - 29:05 : Venus-17 style junglist track with those alarms and gorgeous acid bass staps
    9:  29:05 - 32:45 : *Warp20 track- classic pusher acid techno - the ghostly synth underneath comes through very nice
    10: 32:45 - 38:30 :  Dirty junglist track w/ those alarms, acid stabs and a kinda Vocoded acid element - kinda Damogen style
                         Haunting synth melody comes in at the end and mixes with next track
    11: 38:30 - 44:17 : Dancefloor killer -  Banging drums and dark synths n stabs - Set highlight and total crowd-pleaser i  would say! Stone cold classic - Lets hope for an album of this... Damogen F/ Venus 17 style
    12: 44:17 - 48:28 : Acid tinged melody track - Hello Everything style maybe?

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