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EKT Plus
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Posts posted by data

  1. Is somebody able to convince me to buy Don't Starve ? I'm tempted getting that one but don't really know if it's worth the money. Help me WATUM !


    i've watched a ton of don't starve let's plays on youtube and ended up buying it only to realize it wasn't as fun to actually play as it was to watch someone else play it.

  2. babadook theories:



    the theory i've heard is that the entire movie is about the mom fighting her depression (babadook) and overcoming it in the end (by locking it inside the basement). she wrote the book (she said she used to be a childrens book author at the party they went to), and she keeps putting it back together and adding to it (at the police station the camera pans down to show her hands are all dirty from scribbling - although i figured that was from burning the book, but i dunno).




    The scene in the bedroom where Amelia stands up to the Babadook is symbolic of the inner turmoil that is a mental "tug-of-war" that she experiences on a daily basis dealing with the death of her husband. She tells the Babadook that he's trespassing in her house and with that, The Babadook is weakened and falls to the floor whimpering. Amelia feels sorry for it and goes back towards it, to which it dashes down into the basement and is locked away. As the book said "You cant get rid of the Babadook." He will always be there, and much like a mental illness, it will never go away. All you can do is your best to cope with it.


    and yeah, i thought the kid was annoying as fuck too, but not because he was a bad actor / casting choice, he just stressed me the fuck out to the point of me wanting to slap him upside the head, which i think was the point, to show what the mother was having to deal with.

  3. babadook


    probably the best horror movie i've seen since the house of the devil. it just puts a smile on my face when a movie actually manages to creep me out without relying on jump scares at all, but from atmosphere alone. awesome.

  4. [youtubehd]lrqaw7lB76c[/youtubehd]


    this is beyond idiocracy level of stupid. how does these fuckers still have a job even? if this is the shit coming out of their mouths when sober on national tv, imagine what they're like drunk in private. i realize it's fox so i shouldn't be surprised, but this just made me cringe bad.

  5. i've been playing destiny for about 4 hours now and i keep returning to the same map (story missions). what's up with that? i hate starting a new missions and just being plonked down in the same familiar spot every time. makes me feel like im not making any progress. other than that im having fun with it, the FPS aspects of it are really, really good.

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