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EKT Plus
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Everything posted by data

  1. [youtubehd]ohmajJTcpNk[/youtubehd] lol
  2. this has been in a pile of DVDs i keep meaning to watch. i was thinking about it this morning and then i saw your post so decided it was fate. great film.And the only movie worth watching starring John Cusack High Fidelity tho Nope! i was gonna say "what about swimming with sharks?" and looked it up on imdb, and realized i've had kevin spacey confused with john cusack for over two decades.
  3. [youtubehd]UuI09vtGb-U[/youtubehd] i love how calm and collected hitch is throughout this whole interview, almost on the verge of bursting into laughter.
  4. started watching the new house of cards season. as usual when starting a new season i don't remember who anyone is, what anyone is talking about or what happened last season in general. edit: turns out i watched some random ass episode from season 2 and didn't even realize it, wtf.
  5. this would be awesome. but you guys are all assuming this movie will have the exact same look+feel/tone of the first, without any evolution in the intervening 30+ years. why should it? I love the original Vangelis score but why should there necessarily be another instalment of that for this one? fan service. for good or bad, people are gonna rip this movie to pieces if it doesn't stay close enough to the original thematically. it's gonna be the new ghostbusters times a million.
  6. not a bad alternative to vangelis. the sicario ost is probably my favourite soundtrack from last year.
  7. bought portal 2 for my macbook for some reason. fuck gaming on mac / intel 6100 gfx.
  8. just caught up with vikings s01 - 04. pretty fun, despite all the weird inaccuracies, like kattegatt (southern sweden / denmark) and uppsala (about an hour north of stockholm) looking like skyrim. i'd go there all the time if that was the case. also, size zero shield maidens.
  9. finished witcher 3, now playing the dlc. 88 hours in. it's insane how good this game is.
  10. [youtubehd]pD_sIgh7T_U[/youtubehd] what the fuck
  11. lol just ..a black box with "DOOM" in white would do. wtf even is that generic shite
  12. the lobster not as good as dogtooth, but better than alps. dragged on for about 20 mins too long imo.
  13. i know, i just have a weak spot for biblical mythology in horror movies (as opposed to just generic demon #387648) so i thought it might have atleast some interesting b-movie stuff in it. i should've known better.
  14. flol, can't believe i sat through this mess from start to finish.
  15. gave up on fallout 4 and started playing witcher 3 again. it's insane how much better it is in every way, as far as rpgs goes. goddamnit bethesda.
  16. a movie would have to be really, really bad in order for me to not watch until the end. can't even remember the last one i didn't finish. probably transformers 2. edit: someone mentioned snowpiercer, so yeah, that one.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhprW3sQqfI
  18. Jafar Panahi's Taxi don't really have much to say other than that i really enjoyed it.
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