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Posts posted by data

  1. there will be blood is on my list of top 10 movies of all time. the master was really, really awesome too. boogie nights, magnolia, both great.


    having said that, im amazed i managed to stay awake through all of inherent vice. i didn't hate it, but most of it was just one giant "meh". a sequence of scenes, and then it ended.

  2. [youtubehd]06kT9yfj7QE[/youtubehd]



    Mississippi's new sex education law prevents teachers from showing teens how to use condoms. However, they CAN show kids how to protect their feet through correct and consistent sock use.



    props to that dude, but this is so fucking sad and retarded, i can't even..


    Teen Pregnancy Rates By State

    1. New Mexico – 80/1,000

    2. Mississippi – 76/1,000

    3. Texas – 73/1,000

    no shit ..

  3. [youtubehd]Kn4SNjazkyY[/youtubehd]



    Blaring sirens followed by a megaphone-toting man ranting about blasphemies start out this video, filmed by Times Square resident (and Wild Style director) Charlie Ahearn between the years 1981 and 1983. Shot from his window, the forty minute video, called "Doin' Time in Times Square," includes everything you'd expect from candid 1980s Times Square footage—slow mo knock-out punches, neon XXX signs, plenty of cameos from the NYPD, and chaos. The chaos, however, is interspersed with quiet scenes from inside the apartment where all of this was being filmed from. It's been described as "the home video from hell," and was shown at the New York Film Festival in the 1990s.


  4. i don't get the love for gran torino on watmm. easily one of the worst, most cringeworthy movies i've ever seen. i get that none of them are real actors and that was his point or whatever but holy shit. and clint eastwood is basically just playing himself isn't he? an old, confused and bitter white guy.

  5. was automata really that good? i started watching it but turned it off after about 10 minutes because it just felt really cheap for some reason. like a highlander movie or something. might give it another go.


    rumble in the bronx


    flol, acting and plot on par with the room / 80s porn. cool fight scenes though.



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