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Posts posted by psn

  1. 38 minutes ago, d-a-m-o said:

    currently finishing the second volume of 20th century boys, epic stuff as usual with Naoki Urasawa.

    Just started Pluto yesterday. Great stuff, got pulled into it immediately. Ordered the next few volumes.

    15 minutes ago, dcom said:

    Barry Windsor-Smith - Monsters

    At the top of my heap right now. Excited!

  2. 2 hours ago, modey said:

    fuck I'm not sure if I'm ready to experience Portal again. I saw them live a few years ago stoned out of my mind (thanks to a friend's edibles that were way too strong for me) and it was too much lol. I definitely want to listen to them again at some point though.

    Haha, sounds like a wrong combo... ?

    I'm still hoping to get to see them. Their first show around these parts a few years ago was cancelled due to reasons. 

  3. This is not a purely personal issue. Group immunity requires that a large percentage of the population is vaccinated. And some people can't be vaccinated due to medical conditions, they need to be protected by those around them being vaccinated.

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  4. 3 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    The reason he was able to innovate so much is that he wasn't jumping on trends. The whole "mixing rock and jazz" thing had been happening for a few years before Bitches Brew (and even In a Silent Way) was recorded, for example, it's just that we don't remember most of it now because most of the early stuff was coasting on novelty (or was to experimental for people to pay attention).


    Also, part of what made his work in that period so good was that he pulled together groups made of a lot of the best musicians who were ALREADY PLAYING JAZZ FUSION for the In a Silent Way and Bitches Brew sessions.

    Yeah, and this is exactly my point - the most successful artists are able to grab hold of what's immediately available to them - be it new gear, new theory, the hottest session guys, a new style - and then come up with an amalgamation that's more cohesive/direct/refined than what's already been done in that field.

  5. There was a "most people..." at the start of that quote. ?

    If I rephrase to "Most people working purely intuitively will repeat what's already been done" do you still disagree? 

    I've enjoyed how some of my favourite genres have been refined over the years. But there's an interesting nuance between refinement and invention. The former is a matter of having good taste, honing your craft and focusing on the best parts of what's already been done. You keep the good bits and toss out the bad bits through trial and error. Needs "a good ear" more than anything else. That's how genre/tradition music evolves, in a linear fashion. While invention is more interruptive and angular - something so new comes along that you can throw away a large chunk of what's been done before. 

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