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Posts posted by psn

  1. 9 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

    i think there's a kind of highbrow/lowbrow distinction being made, which i reject.

    Yeah, this is an interesting point in discussions like this.

    On the other hand - my first meeting with this work was at one of my country's most prestigious fine art institutions, with an academic framing - a panel discussion - and a seated, servile audience during the performance. So in my experience the "topicalisation" of the music is actually an attempt to elevate the work from exactly lowbrow to highbrow. And this is one of my main gripes with it.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

    idk, i think if someone writes a book or an essay about 9/11 we all take this as totally normal.

    This would be a topical/thematic/whatever treatment of the subject. Reflection and time has been invested after the fact of the event, as with the Guernica and Trains examples you mentioned earlier. The book/art itself contains elements/themes that refer to the subject.

    Edit: It would be interesting to see an art history survey of famous works that were attributed to some historic event that happened after their creation. There are probably loads.

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  3. 9/11 is a very powerful example of the subjective/objective dichotomy. We all globally watched it live in real time on the TV and have a shared experience. And we all remember our own experience of that day vividly - where we were, with whom, etc. We all have our own story of that day. 

    And this is where I think there's a flaw in Disintegration Tapes, in that Basinki's attachment of his music to that day is just as random and subjective as all the other insignificant things 6 billion of us did that day. All these auxiliary events don't hold any real claim to an elevated, shared significance. 

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  4. 24 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

    i don't understand this. how can a work of art be relevant in itself? relevance has to do with the way it is appreciated by an audience one way or another, no? 

    I didn't mean the intrinsic relevance of the work itself, rather its relevance as a factor in successfully communicating Disintegration Tapes to the world. 


    29 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

    i think this comes close to nailing what the issue is all about. i would only modify it by saying that it's not the "objective realm" but rather whether other people also experience it subjectively as meaningful. i think the tendency to make objective claims about the value of art is weird.

    Yeah, something like that. I was referring loosely to Jungian theory.

  5. The work is linked to the historic event merely by synchronicity. While the synchronicity may have profound meaning to the artist who experienced both these events in that very moment, the significance doesn't necessarily translate well from the subjective to the objective realm. The two success factors here are simply that 1) people buy in to the back story and 2) the historic event was so outrageous and tragic. The work itself is close to irrelevant.

    For my part I think it's 1) bullshit and 2) tacky as hell.

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