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Everything posted by cear

  1. so is there a consensus on how to call and credit this batch of music alr? i'm still going with Aphex Twin - user487363530, 2015 just started an entire chronological marathon again .. in 320 yee
  2. lol ikr, going back every 20 mins or so. guess ill do this for the rest of my life like that dude from lost pressing a btn once in a while
  3. Hah, I only have that bit where he mentions that part about 'bigger than my balls'. Hope to find the entire thing someday too! (1998) Interview excerpt (they're as big as my balls).mp3 LOL
  4. Definitely! Now I want to hear the other "Joyrex tape" tracks in the correct speed too :) Funny, I didn't even see this description with Fresher + Cleaner: This was the fastest techno track in existence when i made it, jus sayin, time is the strangest thing he mustve added that recently, right?.. i copied the descriptions to the comments of the mp3s when i rippd em.. that part wasnt in there. i only had ***fresher and cleaner and very smooth and not at all dry*** maybe we should keep our eyes out for more extra description :) edit: might have miscopied too, someone confirm?
  5. there is not different version of Bimbongo, it's just renamed on Symbonsad... read all pages of this thread, we already have discussed this, here... it's just Richard has named a wrong track... so, ever 101 tracks from soundcloud, friends? kk but wasnt there a 20 sec longer version of a track that's no longer on the soundcloud? only thing im missing .. i rippd em all myself so i dont know whats in the packs people'v been posting
  6. i dont think 483 has anything to do with this pretty sure 483 is from a ccai playlist
  7. anyone still got the diff version of Bimbongo? thanks also i tagged 5 Girl Boy Dark Version with track number 95b so I don't get confused later on when this soundcloud hits a 1000 tracks.. u never know
  8. user487363530 all day urrrdaaay .. 10/10
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