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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I have home brewed a few IPAs and I can tell you that is true. It’s a lot easier to replicate hyped DIPA#653367886 than you may think. I made a couple good wheat beers too, though.
  2. Buttchugging Sunshine has been approved by science.
  3. Honeycrisp lack the acidity of the Granny Smith that leaves your mouth feeling weird. They are aptly named, as their crispness and sweet, but balanced flavor never disappoints. Seek the honeycrisp. My personal Garden Of Eden heavily features the honeycrisp, along with those kickass cotton candy grapes, which are ideal for being fed by concubines in the royal chambers or on a chariot on a diplomatic mission to Constantinople.
  4. Some people said “Chinese virus” was racist. “Eat the ass out of an anteater” really ups the ante, though. I would not be surprised if Trump abruptly shits himself during a briefing and Pence improvises by pretending it’s chocolate pudding(plus he’s hungry for shit)
  5. Honeycrisp apples are vastly superior and I’m willing to wage war to defend their honor imo
  6. The BoC bros a balancing a spreadsheet for a multinational conglomerate in between telling their wives what color drapes they prefer for the sunroom and you guys are all up in here asking for a new album like it's 2009 or something.
  7. I remember on the first message board I visited regularly in the mid 2000's, a common troll/insult or whatever to a stupid post was "huff Raid". Now, we how our president telling us to basically huff Raid, sincerely.
  8. I think maybe he said the UV/disinfectant thing to distract from more egregious grifting.
  9. Tastes in beer shift all over the place. I used to be obsessed with IPAs. Lately, I've been going for crispy lagers like Pilsner Urquell or a lot of non-hoppy stuff by Jack's Abby, a brewery in MA. I'm also really into sour beers, and those have gotten a lot more popular lately, which is nice.
  10. This shit McConnell is pulling on New York is as low as you’d expect. Maybe New York should turn off the economic faucet on Kentucky and see how far out of the Stone Age they can make it.
  11. In a post apocalyptic future, human skulls will be used as currency and your only inheritance will be the skulls of your parents, if they haven’t perished by nebular plagueflesh, wormhole parasites, or radiant mangle waves. You can still wait in line at a grocery store to buy Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Don’t be a pussy.
  12. I watched Parasite recently. It started out very fun, then some abrupt shifts in tone happen and I was like "OH SHIT" and then even more "FUCK!". I wasn't sure who to be sympathetic for, it seemed like the poor family could have been successful in any number of ways without doing what they did. Poor family's daughter really struck my fancy though, tbqh. I hated the much more than the poor family or the rich family, as well. Fuck them! Overall, a much sharper and finely tuned piece of work than most, and lots of good metaphorical metaphors to chew on, too.
  13. It's like a more insightful version of myself beamed this into my brain almost 5 years ago.
  14. Local governments in shitty states are shitty. We can't do anything about them, unfortunately. Maybe they'll all die after these protests so we don't have to form gulags when Biden wins. You got me.
  15. Well, zinc makes you cum a lot, and my cum obviously cures covid-19, so there's some type of scientifical accuracy here, I reckon.
  16. I dictate the law according to the Ancient Scrolls of the Burning Sparrow. Transcribed in blood, our rulings will be questioned only in death. He who dares transgress our almighty doctrine will be fed screaming to the Wolves of Divine Mutilation, who lurk in the impenetrable Forest of Labyrinthine Sorrow.
  17. Also, the buzz of the small amount of nicotine with the weed is pleasant. You can actually be social.
  18. World War Two was THE most metal fucking thing to ever happen IMO (WWI too)
  19. I know Berlin is cool, I liked it there, I went back again. But I never saw any poop sex. How much does it happen there? Trump likes poop sex.
  20. Yeah, I should probably stop the spliffs. I'm totally cool with the vape + cartridges from dispensaries but I can't get them now, since dispensaries around here are only open to medical patients. They are also very expensive. But very enjoyable and convenient. I remember when that temporary ban on vapes happened, I thought that was their way of taking something away that was too good to be true.
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