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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. "So what do you suggest? Tell me. Oh wait, I know. I've got it. There's a way we can put a stop to all of this. All we need to do is find the tooth of a baby crocodile, the blood of a pigeon and the pubes of a virgin. And then we just have to burn them all before sunset. Let me see, do we have any spare teeth lying around? Teeth, pubes? Nope, none here! LET ME SEE, DO WE HAVE ANY HERE? PUBES, TEETH? Nothing in this box either. Where are they? I'm sure they were here earlier. I put them here myself. WHO'S BEEN MOVING THINGS AROUND? FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! I don't suppose you have any pubes I could have, by any chance? Oh, I forgot. You don't have any left. We don't have any of the things we need." This line killed me.
  2. Which ones did you think were good or amazing? The Killing of a Sacred Deer was the most original and stylized, but the hardest one to watch by far, and Green Room was pretty gnarly at times.
  3. I think they’re just over the whole music thing.
  4. Blue Ruin- A pleasantly good revenge movie with all unrecognizable actors. I have no complaints about this movie. Well done. The lead actor, Macon Blair, is probably underrated Green Room - Wow this punk band really shouldn’t have played that show. It was really well made and suspenseful, but the only message I got was “Nazi punks fuck off” which makes sense, imo Hell Or High Water - Jeff Bridges looks like he’s dipping the whole movie while two brothers rob tons of banks in west Texas. I have no real complaints about this movie either other than it was like No Country For Old Men-lite. A lot of the dialogue with JB is pretty good. The Killing of a Sacred Deer - Grim premise, dark humor, and a little sadistic all around. I want to punch that kid in the face. Ambiguous ending. I’d recommend it to people who eat canned tuna fish on the train.
  5. This right here. I love using southern, ghetto, British, Slavic, and Hispanic accents all the time(when I can get away with it). Anytime someone has a little puppy or something, I speak to it in a quasi Meatwad from Aqua Teen voice, especially when no one is around. It just happens. I think I do it to stay sane.
  6. Thirsty Quarantine Hoes Cowboy Chunckies Paula Ab Düül 10,000 Quarantaniacs
  7. I respect Fantano but I fear he has gone the way of Stephen Colbert. A slave. I wonder if it pains him to review the 5332355th trap rap flavor of the week. My god. It has to take some kind of toll. He probably has no time to be himself and has to fake enthusiasm for some bullshit just like some corporate cocksucking pig. Me? I’m on a skeleton crew as an essential worker making drugs like it’s wartime and I feel so alive. I fear death, but respect it.
  8. Biden has passed more progressive legislation than Bernie has. But whatever, I vote based on memes.
  9. They saw the same shit over the past three years that everyone else did, and still learned nothing.
  10. That Deanna chick nailed it though. I think the disappointed Bernie voters who think he was our only chance are dumber and more brainwashed than Trump voters at this point.
  11. He said a lot of things I agreed with, but took some very appealing policy ideas and branded them with “socialism” which was red meat for his opponents and enough to ruin it with large numbers of voters you need to win a general election.
  12. Spread some unedited jam on your IDM toast, you mongoloids.
  13. The last few tracks left a strong impression and I leave with a positive view of this Thundercat fellow
  14. Clutch dudeness most butt-rock 2020
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