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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. What if “the establishment” was aware of what’s in the opposition research file on Bernie and DIDN’T feel like repeating that wonderful experience of 2016. (Because that’s one aspect of what we’re seeing here, believe it or not.)
  2. Nah, it looks like we just dodged that bullet. People have gotten a bit brainwashed by social media it seems.
  3. When I worked at Trader Joe’s, there was this other dude who really liked drukQs, but he was an awkward, difficult to even communicate with kind of person. Fits the bill.
  4. Young people didn’t show up to vote for Bernie yesterday. If they didn’t care enough to make him the nominee, then how is he more electable? Everyone was banking on the hoards of youngsters in the general election but they already blew it.
  5. I agree with a lot of that, but I do think getting Trump out of office matters, internationally.
  6. Beating Trump and getting back on track is not really Trumpian, no. It's our one fucking job.
  7. This will be true forever no matter who is president, yes. Things get worse if we don't win in November. I like winning.
  8. Nah, Biden's the nominee, we good. He gets the swing states Bernie doesn't. If Bernie was the nominee you'd be hearing a lot more about Cuba you didn't before and he'd lose Florida. Bam. Focus on the feeling of getting rid of Trump and having a more cooperative environment for a progressive agenda because that's how we move forward now. It's not bad at all. Just vote against Trump. Life goes on.
  9. If Bernie became elected, how likely do you think it would be that his policy goals would be achieved?
  10. Remember that show Dirty Jobs? I freelance those dirty jobs. Right now I'm cleaning elephant dung out of a burned down, dilapidated building. Next month, I'll be in an undisclosed location, making antibiotics for livestock by centrifuging chicken shit. After that, I'll be in Missouri, working in animal husbandry. It keeps me real. I am a coastal elite, but I like to keep my finger on the pulse ifyaknowwhaddamean
  11. Would you devour this black truffle pizza? It looks like an exotic, quixotic disc of enchantment, if you ask me.
  12. Well, for as much as people are mentioning Biden's cognitive decline, Trump wouldn't be able to fake it til he makes it this time.
  13. The host Will Menaker's grandfather, Robert Menaker, worked for Soviet intelligence during WWII. That reminds me, does anyone think there isn't an opposition research file on Bernie?
  14. Guilty as charged. -Disgustingly affluent geriatric caucasian person who paid off his student loans. I also foreclose houses for shits and giggles and dumpster dive at Trader Joe's because those "expired" frozen pizzas are too damn good for the homeless.
  15. What if Bernie got elected and we still didn’t flip the senate? “Free college healthcare Mitch double chin gobbler for you and you and you and you!”
  16. No, anyone with Hillary’s exact platform in 2016 who also had the incredible distinction of just NOT being Hillary Clinton would have won quite easily.
  17. I bet it would slap if they did.
  18. “I literally just fucked a pizza.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
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