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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Start a stoner metal band called Stormboomer.
  2. Lol, no. It’s better to be slightly disappointed now, with say, Biden winning the primary, than SEVERELY disappointed the morning of November 4th, after Bernie loses. You might want to prepare yourself for it, from the looks of it. When I heard (highly informed, DC connected) people talking shit about Dems, I couldn’t help but get pissed. Like, WTF guys, this isn’t helpful, right? But over time and more discussion, I realized they were correct, and their criticism wasn’t out of partisanship or rigid idealism, but out of sincere desire to see the only viable party we have actually fucking win what should be an easy election. Meanwhile, here comes Bernie, who is electoral college suicide.
  3. Now those are some baller coffee gadgets. I've toyed with the idea of getting a Breville Barista Express, but it's a bit of commitment, like having a kid or something.
  4. Or maybe Biden wants Warren to stay in the race because she peels some votes away from Bernie.
  5. I like how you whip up these barn blazin', zip zappin', rootin tootin', whallopin' twinkletappers in a jiffy and we're all up in this shit like does anyone talking I'm else about know what is this an music always assumed this thread was about sean connery, who I didn't know was in the idm game but I appreciate that he does it
  6. A racist non-binary Communist climate denying polyglot with a peg leg would be fucking siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccck. Guy Fieri as VP.
  7. I think it probably has more to do with the baristas in Italy using more traditional medium or dark roasts for espresso instead of a super-light roasted single origin bean for espresso. When pulled as a shot, super-light roasts can be sour acid bombs, even at top notch coffee spots. But I've had some really good ones that made me keep trying and I like them as pourover/drip/aeropress n all that
  8. I mean it was a small, "personal" deep dish, but I was in a walking food coma right after, where I just felt slow and stupid for about 3 hours.
  9. Those deep dish pizzas can't disappoint you, but YOU can disappoint the pizza. I ate a whole one and my mind melted. It was possibly life threatening.
  10. Seeing this made me miss Colbert Report big time. His interviews used to be amazing, now he has to be snob to Bill Burr.
  11. Yeah, I certainly hope he can win the shit out of this, if he gets there. It’s that pesky electoral college that makes me nervous. I’m not sure it’ll work in his favor.
  12. Bernie will cause higher turnout in blue states that are safely Dem. In many other places, he could have more of a chilling effect, where a ton of those aforementioned voters stay home or just say fuck it and vote for Trump again. With Bernie winning the nomination, we even run the risk of losing the progress we made in the midterms and ending up exactly where we were in January, 2017. Or maybe the populist pied-piper candidate(Trump wants to run against Bernie, Hillary wanted to run against Trump) will come from the left this time for a surprise shabang yowza win. I wouldn’t be against it. If he has a hidden secret weapon nationwide polls aren’t picking up yet, it would be a shit ton of young voters. We just need an actual shit ton of them, everywhere, in every state. No guarantees.
  13. Biden is the only one that has this magic formula of former Trump voters feeling ok enough to vote Dem. Warren has that Ivy League woke condescension that they hate. If he picks Kamala Harris as a running mate, we good. If Bernie wins the nomination, all confidence vanishes and we are left with nothing but blind luck. I’m not trying to be contrarian here, there are some things I agree with you on. I defer to people with stone cold insider DC knowledge who sugar coat absolutely nothing, and they’ve been right about everything. What I’ve heard from them has ruined ideology for me. We just need to win. For what it’s worth.
  14. Because she was very specifically the wrong candidate to run. What was unique about Hillary was the 20+ years of smear against her. It really took hold to the point where hating her had its own cult following. There aren’t a whole lot of other political figures with that much going against them. Automatically translating that to “all moderates bad” is just not an accurate read of the situation. Moderates won us the fucking midterms, you may have noticed. Not a single candidate Bernie backed won. Our political climate is currently so polarized, that only a right wing or left wing populist will provoke an emotional response, like it has for you. What many are missing is that Trump won by less than 80,000 votes spread across three swing states that aren’t exactly the most Bernie friendly. People like this will vote for a moderate Dem because while they don’t like Trump now, they’d vote for him again because they like Bernie less. Campaign strategists are kinda important but hey whatevs
  15. This is exactly why people are so hesitant about Sanders being the nominee. It will more than likely result in serious consequences for the party, but since his voters are taught to dislike the Democratic Party as well(even though he’s running as one, lol) it’s a great way to get people to follow the herd of lemmings to 4 more years of Trump and irreparable damage to the US that would be unlikely if a more moderate candidate could just get us to the fucking finish line. People need to realize it’s better to just win, and then remain politically engaged with a normal president. Imagine if people gave half the fucks they gave now when Obama was president. Running a divisive candidate now will very likely fuck us. If mobsters were threatening to break your legs, is that when you’d decide to place another high stakes bet?
  16. Bernie is much more likely to win if the coronavirus kicks up a few notches and starts fucking with the global economy. I’m not a fan of viruses n shit. Just saying
  17. That should’ve been our priority either way, and it’s quite possible that Bernie not running at all would’ve been the easiest way to accomplish this, since he’s a much more effective vote splitter than a senator.
  18. Sounds gnarly. I guess since the ones I went to were anti-Trump and in Boston, all the cops were like “well like yeah, no duh, kids”
  19. Nah, I’ve been to a few protests in the US and the cops were all basically like, “hey guys, we agree with you, lolz, have fun guys, don’t get hurt <3” People really had to go out of their way to get pepper sprayed, which I think they just did for the Instagram
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