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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. That's how I've always heard it pronounced, yeah. I didn't know there was another way!
  2. There's this butcher's in town that serves a shwarma wrap, and I think it may be my favourite thing to order in all of Victoria. It literally takes my breath away, due to me forgetting to breathe as I eat. I'm left gasping for air at the end of every meal. Unlike most food, which I find to be inconsistent in the satisfaction department, this one never ceases to bring joy. I don't have a pic, but it looks kind of like this:
  3. that's another handle for the guy who did the "Skrillex is a badger penis" vid, iirc (who very occasionally swoops in here and posts some monumentally hilarious thing only to disappear without a trace for another couple years... can't remember his watmm handle for the life of me).
  4. u better fucking make this. * *Zephyr Nova, 2022, watmm.com (masters thesis on IDM) "https://forum.watmm.com/topic/102195-masters-thesis-on-idm/#comment-2903078."
  5. Zephyr_Nova


    I have absolutely no recollection of posting this, but I stand behind it.
  6. I've made waaaaay too many bad impulse decisions while driving that I've instantly regretted. No bad accidents yet... but I'm still pretty fresh.
  7. WTF @ Elon Musk's ludicrous wealth increase... How did that happen? What made him so special in the last year and a bit? The gains of the other 9 are totally insignificant by comparison.
  8. Nooooooooo! I love those first two Gridlock albums.
  9. I'd like to add Low - HEY WHAT to this extensive list.
  10. My pitch and rhythm are precise. Vibrato has always been a bit mysterious to me, though I can sort of fake it. Can sort of do "vocal fry", but it's hard to get it sounding pleasing to me ear. Diaphragm control is inconsistent. I struggle mostly with tone stuff because my voice is naturally a bit... younger sounding and nasal (but I've learned to avoid that, mostly). I can sing weird angular melodies with ease though, which seems to be something a lot of people struggle with. Getting closer to being able to do those fast R&B runs in a really half baked way. Super envious of vocalists who can do the screamy stuff without damaging their vocal cords. That completely eludes me. So yeah, I'd say I'm decent. Not nearly at the level I want to be, but decent.
  11. I'm not sure I would know immediately that Frank Black was singing if a new song of his came up randomly in a playlist. His voice changes so much from album to album. I'd be more likely to recognize it from the songwriting style, maybe. Usually the singer's voice is the dead giveaway, but for some reason his doesn't totally register with me. I frequently hear him channeling another singer along with his own voice, be it Bowie or J Mascis, or David Byrne. Perhaps this is why? It's quite unusual. I don't think it's a matter of it sounding generic at all. The fact his voice is so hard for me to pinpoint is in itself unique.
  12. Nah I'm just fucking around. I get what you're looking for. I'm liking this specific slice of the techno/IDM pie. Lots of interesting combinations therein.
  13. This is a good point. IDM Thread would be too simple a title for an IDM thraed tho imo.
  14. This thread was my introduction to these odd fellows. So I got excited when this popped up in my youtube recommendations: I feel well enlightened now. Also... this guy's deadpan is great/completely unexpected.
  15. WATMMers get it for free for dutifully serving our loyal customers every year. We Are The Mama burger Makers.
  16. WTF Bob Saget?? Didn't see that coming. Seemed like a genuinely good guy. And hilariously funny at his dirtiest.
  17. That interrogation analysis channel has gone full blown comedy, apparently. The murderer is like a humorless Bill Burr.
  18. Sounds like Jackson and his Computer Band... appropriately enough(!) (No pun intended originally. But now that I've noticed it, I intend it.)
  19. meta cringe. wait, are we somehow complicit in the cringe now?
  20. Never!! That's why they call me Zephyr_Rona
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