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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Ahh... yeah, it's maybe only 1 in 5 matches who will reply to me either. That's surprising that they would bother matching again if they wouldn't give you the time of day the first time around. People are weird/dumb/fucking annoying. Are you going to try chat initiation take 2?
  2. "The Variants" is still available as a band name on bandcamp.com, but Omnicron is taken by a user there, who happens to have Burial Antidawn EP as the most recent item in their collection. Which one of you is it? The Delta Varient is still available too.
  3. Ahh, that definitely explains it. No fluke that I suddenly know 10 people who now have it. I visited my old place today to visit a few friends, and they made me wear a mask the whole time because I'm not in their bubble and saw other people over the holidays. That's the right way to do it. But... almost nobody is that cautious around here, or anywhere from the sounds of it.
  4. ....aaaaaand another. Partner of the last one, so not surprising. BC is eating shit, apparently.
  5. Well then... great? If they all matched you again, I guess they like you too. So get some dates set up, stat.
  6. My plan is to make a semi-satirical Tinder account, with photos that are exaggerations of generic Tinder tropes + "swipe right if dead inside" or something to that effect. One of my old matches who has since become one of my best friends is going to help me with some of the photography. When I explained the idea to her one of the first things she said was "Yes! Troll the Tinderella!!" Might use Cannibal Corpse - Addicted to Vaginal Skin as my theme song. Or Own Bare Hands by Ween.
  7. ...and another person i know tested positive. Holy fuck.
  8. I know 6 people who tested positive for Covid in the last week !!!!! Two of them were at the same family Christmas dinner I attended. That was 8 days ago, and neither me, my mom, my brother, his wife or my nephew have any symptoms yet. So we're probably in the clear. Also, one of the people who tested positive needed to take the test 3 times before he got the positive reading (he had such a brutal cold that he wasn't convinced of negative readings - needed to go to hospital for respiratory problems). So... that's not very reassuring.
  9. There should be chocolate orange juice and chocolate lemonade, for consistency's sake.
  10. It is a weird combo for sure. Although I swear the classic chocolate orange with all the wedges is actually quite good. Been a long time since I had one though, so my memory may be distorting things. There's a seasonal dark beer called Creepy Uncle Dunkle that tastes kind of like a melted down chocolate orange + beer, and it is excellent.
  11. I haven't seen sunlight in maybe a month. I go to bed at 6am and wake up anywhere between 2 and 4. Current FWP is that I told my friend she could crash here, and I don't think I'll be doing any sleeping until she wakes up. Snores like a chainsaw through wet meat. 6:20am right now... so 20 min past my bedtime. ?
  12. I haven't heard the terms post-folk or post-hiphop used yet, but the former could describe Jandek and the latter could be... Flying Lotus or Death Grips instrumentals or something. Post-post-rock would be Hella, which makes Zach Hill in part responsible for two new post genres. Also, Post should make a Rock cereal.
  13. 2021 was kind of shite. Def needed more SG in the SFWP thread. Today's FWP is... I forgot my FWP. I know I had one. Possibly even a couple of them. So that's been hard, but I'm getting through it.
  14. Had to log-out of what was turning into one of my most lucrative delivery shifts of the year, because snow was making driving up-hill an impossibility. Tough decision. I already have regrets.
  15. Didn't eat anything all day, save a few chocolates, so ended up buying a Big Mac because McD's was the only convenient option after midnight. Fucking hell do they ever make bad burgers. ? ??????
  16. I had a pointless thought earlier today but I forgot what it was, which I just noticed.
  17. Was thinking about those upon waking this afternoon. It's the one thing that can resuscitate my dead Christmas spirit.
  18. I have one! Deerhoof - Actually, You Can There's even a video for the song that impressed me most, and it does not disappoint.
  19. Blue Oyster Cult DID release an album just last year, so I don't know what everyone's on about. They are pretty dad rock tho, as others have pointed out.
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