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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Even with the headroom it's still an issue (getting it as loud as everything else with all the meaty goodness clean and intact).
  2. The one headache I always run into with mastering my own stuff is: I'll get the mix sounding awesome and huge, but then when I boost it in mastering to get it at a level comparable with other music, the bass frequencies distort and sound like shit. Then I end up experimenting with the mix until I can make it loud with minimal distortion occurring. I usually succeed eventually, but I'm sure compromises have been made to get it there most times. Too much limiting softens things too much, and kills the dynamics, or makes it sound squishy and gross. Anyway... this part always kills the fun. Anyone else run into this problem time and time again? There are many albums by artists I like that are plagued by the unpleasant distort/squishy phenomena that I can't stomach on my own masters. So... clearly there are pro mastering engineers who find this sort of thing acceptable. I really can't imagine it being desired by the artist/producer.
  3. Holy shit! I mean... good incentive to push students to get better grades, but in the most fucked up way possible. Doesn't get much more 1984 than that.
  4. That sounds about right. Looks very IDM tbh. I wish I had a phone to capture video footage of it.
  5. Dropped my phone, and now the screen just flashes patches of light. Currently trying out a bunch of random solutions that probably won't work.
  6. Ahh, I see I see. I thought you meant "what goes around comes around" was the name of the album, but I knew that wasn't right. That is a dope track.
  7. Do you mean the 20/20 Experience? I believe it has a song with that lyric on it. I haven't heard that one in a long time, but I did have the CD. FWP: I need to have a shower before my shift, but I don't want to walk through the yard to the main house because then I will have to face the people who have been diligently working away in the yard for hours. And then I will feel awkward as the guy in his house coat that lazes around until 4:15 before having a shower, rather than putting in hours labour in the yard/garden. No idea WTF they're working on btw... but they sure are taking their sweet time.
  8. Sounds like the sort of train of thought I had in my early 20's when I was manic out of my skull. Some alternate theories for the rabbit thing: random coincidence (most likely), inadvertent precognition of sorts (fun!/harmless idea, but not the most rational take on things), cosmic pranksters (I prob would have gone with this one back when I was off the rails).
  9. No side effects other than a sore arm here too. Rumour has it the Pfizer one (one I got) tends to be pretty mild, whereas the Moderna one puts a lot of people through the wringer. (not sure if there are other options out there, those are just the two available where I am. The couple people I know who had a hellish time after the second dose both got Moderna, supporting the theory.) So pro tip - if you're able to request one or the other, go with Pfizer.
  10. lol that is an impressive random assortment of notes. I wonder if she was recorded singing to just a click track without any backing music before the chords were added. Crazy to think no one pointed it out anywhere in the process between recording and making a music vid. Seems like all the extras in the vid are responding to what they're hearing for the first time.
  11. My friend mentioned being extra careful any time she's in public about avoiding touching surfaces or her face. Immediately this covid classic came to mind:
  12. Sometimes rides, but mostly crash cymbals. I don't know which tracks go with which song titles (and don't feel like listening through a pile of stuff to figure it out) but almost any time there's a crash in an Aphex or Squarepusher track it seems like it's being sort of cheeky. Also, if you just play a cymbal crash from almost any drum machine it sounds hilarious. But any time I've wanted to add a cymbal to something I'm working on, it's to make a section actually sound more powerful... and sanding off the comedic edges of a crash cymbal is no easy feat. Although after posting that last message, I had something I was happy with in under 5 min. So maybe I'm over that hurdle. New pointless observation: Lemmy's vocal doubles sound remarkably similar to Al Jourgenson's. Neato.
  13. Adding a cymbal to a track always sounds incredibly cheesy at first, even when it's clearly exactly what's needed. Figuring out how to make it sound appropriate in context is always the most challenging part of any mix that requires a cymbal... and i have no idea why the fuck this is. It shouldn't be so confounding after 20 years of music production. Do other producers have this same problem, or is it merely my achilles heel? (honestly, most cymbals I hear in electronic music sound ironic to me, so maybe I'm just reeeeally particular about what a cymbal is supposed to sound like.)
  14. Oh yeah I watched that one a while back. Dude is supreme cringeman... but with murder impulses, a disturbing combo if there ever was one. I suppose there are quite a few in that category, all inspiring one another. What a time to be alive (until the cringeman cometh).
  15. Darned Wealth Chokehold Good Breath Registurd Nurse Notgood Centre Gord's Sphincter Allen FFILTH Grid Keeper Sprout Alvin Watmm Life Lard Won't Rape Mom's Direct Messages !2th Sand Course Raking Good Lord, Ryu Weak Thud Press Gourd (Indecipherable)
  16. Ahh dude, that sounds horrifying. Sorry you have to deal with that. I'm such a baby about nausea especially... not looking forward to this second vax. I can still block potential/likely cancer diagnoses of the future out of my head for the time being. My real FWP tho is listening to Justin Timberlake's last album and getting depressed at how impressively clean all the mixes are.
  17. Whoa, I never would have guessed you did time at some point! What for? (...if you don't mind sharing.)
  18. But he still shat the bed on Filth Pig, Dark Side, and Animositomina.
  19. Did they? It's still Al and Paul handling production duties on all those. I'm not sure having a diff bassist or drummer would have any bearing on that really.
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