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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Still getting the occasional J Peterson vid rec that I never click on. Someone prob posted a 5 clip of him saying "cowabunga" out of context on here which I absently clicked on to better take in the essence of some BS thread derailment.
  2. had an urge to grab a 6 pack, but all the liquor stores near me are closed. ?
  3. omfg it still reeks tonight. My friend banned guests at her Air BB from frying fish for just this reason. SFWP #2 - motherfuckers put salami on my pizza instead of pepperoni... turns out it's still pretty good, but I am outraged nevertheless.
  4. "ungh ungh ungh... hold on a sec, I gotta make a post about this in the SFWP thread..."
  5. Cooked tiger prawns in butter/garlic last night and the odour has permeated my cabin's interior, despite sleeping with the door open.
  6. Used the restroom at a DQ this afternoon, and I can't get their foam soap stink off my hands. ?
  7. That is one very sound looking za.
  8. what's up with the tempo slow downs on all the wild arpeggios? Is that the MT-32 processor choking up on too much data? Sounds kind of cool. Oh fuck... this is exactly what 100 Gecs sounds like to me. : (
  9. What the hell, google - bit of a jump there!
  10. Managed to lock my keys inside my cabin today... never done that before, even with car keys. Luckily my friend who owns the property had a spare in an envelope that was even labeled! Amazing. I was ready to call the locksmith. This could go in the FWS thread I suppose, but it's further evidence that my brain is a piece of garbage, so here it will stay.
  11. This is a scone.
  12. Interesting. Centre has historically always been the most important channel. It's the equivalent of the part of a photo/painting that's most in focus.
  13. The quiz did not think I had ADD. But the 45 tabs I have open thought I might. And my god, why is it so hard to complete even the simplest task without forgetting about it 4 or 5 times first. What is that if not ADD?
  14. lol - first ADD quiz I take has pop up ads to distract right off the bat. How apropos. PS I didn't get past the first question before coming back here.
  15. I think I may have ADD, but if I went to a doctor with that, I'm convinced they'd be more than happy to prescribe me something regardless of whether I actually did or not.
  16. Hey I thought this one was pretty good.
  17. that's some good fodder for the noise thread. I had my volume up a touch to high when it busted in, hahaha. Thank you. My apologies for not posting this sooner:
  18. Shitty Titty Gang Bang (this title has popped into my head time and time again over the years, but I don't think i've ever expressed it outside my own mind)
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