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Everything posted by splesh

  1. He's been at it quite a while! Here's his first album, from 1975.
  2. I have this whole album! Maybe it's not his best but I bet y'all would like him. Whole album here:
  3. Mostly these four 1. Autechre 2. Broadcast 3. RDJ 4. BoC
  4. Revisiting Room(s) and Vapor City after many years rn
  5. From the Ae subforum, Autechre's second set at the Barbican this year
  6. Very late to the game here myself but I have now heard and love Mohnomishe, Shadow, Thief of the Sun, and Shouting at the Ground. Do I ever wish I could find a not prohibitively expensive CD of these lads. Fuck me, where has this band been all my life? ? This is precisely what I want out of industrial music and I can see why Ae love and cited them as often as they did, not to mention playing a show with them
  7. This masterpiece is almost forty years old wow
  8. New Ryoji Ikeda is always an exciting prospect!
  9. Bummed I missed my chance to preorder a CD of this ?
  10. https://wabi-sabi-tapes.bandcamp.com/track/rousserole-et-locustelle
  11. As soon as it ended I had to put it back on immediately
  12. Kindly piss off if you're gonna be talking like this... especially before we've all had a chance to listen in
  13. This was one of the first instances of an album I listened to a bunch while it was still relatively new. Definitely no small part in getting me out of a boring as hell classic rock rut. Smoked a lot of weed to this album back while that was still an important thing in my life but since getting off the ganja, it is fortunately not tainted with the association the way some music from that time in my life is.
  14. This thread reminded me I wanted to brag about getting to hear Charlemagne Palestine live next month!
  15. Exciting! NEU! is an alltime favourite album of mine and wow fuenfzehn Jahren is a lot!
  16. I'm torn. I'm of two minds on this (maybe three, or even more). On the one hand, Autechre, it seems, can scarcely do any wrong. (Well, they are my absolute favourites, so take this with as much salt as needed.) Sean and Rob have been together as a unit 35 years now, which is incredible in its own right. On top of this, they have been releasing some of the most vital and interesting music of their career in the 28th and 29th years of their collaboration in 2015-6 with the AE_LIVE performances as well as elseq 1-5, and in the 31st year of their project in 2018 with NTS Sessions 1-4. Now granted, taste is absolutely a subjective matter and that this recent material is among their best is certainly a controversial matter even among their most devoted fans. I enjoyed PLUS and SIGN and in some sense it was a breath of fresh air, being able to have something that wasn't simply an epic longform work. They even contain some pieces which are now among of my favourite Ae tracks. There may have been yet another leap towards ever clearer fidelity of sound like there was from EP7 to Confield or Oversteps to Exai. Although their contents are by no means a regression, I would be reluctant however, to call SIGN and PLUS "their best in some time" as some are wont to do. Booth and Brown have often had interesting live performances and recent ones are no exception to this. Sean has recently intimated in the AMA, if I recall correctly, that he feels like he's moving away from albums per se as the artform he's interested in Autechre creating so much as the live thing (and I guess, by association, the recording thereof). This can be seen to be corroborated by the fact that we know that "elseq" stands for "edited live sequences" and "LIVE" means "live". All this to say, I look forward to the twentytwo recordings on the horizon -- and beyond -- with a mix of bated breath and optimism.
  17. Aphex has designed an audio plugin/vst/device of sorts called Samplebrain for sample mashing. There are builds for Ubuntu, Windows, and Macintosh alike. Check it out here. Dave Griffiths' site for his general projects etc. is here.
  18. Plaid, at their very best, have a very distinctive flavour to their productions that sets them apart from many of their peers. I have said elsewhere, and I insist, that they are among the or the main artists who keep alive the sound and spirit of the first wave IDM/Artificial Intelligence series. Their sounds evoke that special psychedelic ambient headspace one would find in a discerning chillout room moreso than their bigger name peers. Plaid's albums I liked the most (in chronological order) are: Mbuki Mvuki, Double Figure, Spokes, Scintilli, The Digging Remedy, Reachy Prints, Polymer. So, yes, most of them. Although Mbuki Mvuki doesn't quite possess what would in time become their signature weirdness and it pales in comparison to Black Dog Productions' Bytes, it absolutely must be given credit for being some of the earliest recorded iddums. And I quite enjoy how much more easily they could be mixed into a DJ set, tbh. Although Not for Threes and Rest Proof Clockwork both had some material I liked, they didn't quite hold up as much as these others. Apologies to those for whom they are their favourites.
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