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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by beerwolf

  1. Tooheys Old.


    Have you tried Coopers Stout? (yellow label) That stuff is beautiful. All Coopers beers are superb in fact. Actually Aussies brew some real good beer, that Bohemien beer is especially good.


    I'm consuming a can of Kronie and some ginger biscuits.

  2. Don't take this the wrong way but I can't believe some of you are still banging on about who Steinvord is. Perplexing.


    Do some of you see it as a challenge to find out? Like its a game or a puzzle to solve? Maybe that's part of the fun.


    I think if I was Richard (an eccentric, millionaire) I'd probably do the same just for entertainment value. You know he reads these threads (perhaps that's part of it). He must read these threads for a laugh. Surely.

  3. It used to be massive in rock/metal music circles (Newki Brown), go to a pub before seeing a gig and almost everyone was drinking it. Last decade or so it seems to of gone off the radar.


    However its one of those drinks that even now if you have a bottle of it, other people spy it and and before you know it they are ordering it at the bar lol.


    Granted its not a posh beer but its fucking tasty.

  4. I recognise and have drank on a few occasions Delirium.


    I remember once me and my friends drinking on an all day session in Windsor and it was my round which ended the final round of the day and I got four bottles of this stuff lol. As you can imagine after we all individualy crawled out the taxi home it was bedtime. Hahah, good times.

  5. Tool and BoC have a same sort of mind trajectory for me (whatever a mind trajectory maybe lol). Anyway....


    Both bands appeared on my radar, I sort of liked them but didn't really understand them fully so could quite happily put them to sleep for ages. Soooner or later though I'd get a whisper in my brain to pull out the albums again and have another dip. Once again there would be this sort of Beerwolf mindset of 'fuck this hippy nonsense why don't you just go for the fucking jugular!' yet again I would shelve them for ages only to bring them out again and the listening periods would get longer and more intensense.


    Lataralus is definately a true classic. No doubt. Like BOC, Tool on their day just tweak those brain fibres that most other bands can't or will ever reach. I definately care more for the new BoC record than Tool, however I think the realm that BoC occupy of being far removed from whats going on in the world with music and not releasing new music might serve the Scots better. Don't ask me why, its just my opinion!!!

  6. I am no James Bond fan, by a long shot, but I watched Skyfall and enjoyed it immensely, I particulary enjoyed the direction in Shanghai thought that was really nicely put together. I'd give it an 8/10.


    The Last Exorcism 4/10, best bit was the last 10 minutes lol, saying that I didn't mind watching it, passed some time.



    I have The Devils Backbone to watch this afternoon.


    Pitchfork would be better if it was British IMO, at least it would have a sense of humour. That's what is essentialy missing from every single page of their fucking website.





    The sheer irony of that review lol. It's just as anal and boring as the album they are reviewing lol.


    Let me say that there's nothing wrong with America, nor American humour. Americans are cool. I just hate that fucking website.

  8. Quails!









    (I've just been informed the plural is still quail...............I don't care)






    Nice. Where do you live? I'll be round in a jiffy.


    I have just eaten a cornish pasty from Windsor Farm Shop, it was nice from the oven all toasty and warm. I washed it down with some 7up.


    Gonna drink a pint of water in a minute as I need to rehydrate myself from the mid afternoon beer drinking session.

  9. I think the reviewer's on there are just hyper critical. It's like they take pride in somehow being able to tear great albums down, as if that puts them higher than the music like they're smarter than the artists.


    I don't know why but I always get this impression from pitchfork reviews, like the guy on the other side of the review has a serious inferiority complex.


    So very, very true.


    Pitchfork is so guilty of trying to elevate themselves above the music they are reviewing. I fucking hate Pitchfork with such a passion, but I keep it at arms length so they dont bother me.


    Fuck them and fuck their 'brain trust' lol.


    Pitchfork would be better if it was British IMO, at least it would have a sense of humour. That's what is essentialy missing from every single page of their fucking website.


    Lol at Pitchfork.


    Humourless rant over.

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