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Posts posted by beerwolf

  1. Yeah well I am listening to Master of Puppets and that's still a full one hundered out of one hundred. Always will be.


    Listened to a lot of Eno lately (not the new one). Really I should hate hate Music for Airports but I have always loved it, it would seem futile to give it an 8 or 9 out of 10. Seeing as its perfect and I'm in a good mood I'll give it a wholesome 10.


    I want to write a scathing review of some shit album I have listened to, just for the fun of it really but I haven't chanced across one. Gone are the days you walked into a record shop and bought an album you hadn't heard for 15 quid (seems like a dream, but I found so many brilliant albums using my wits this way).


    Ahh yes I also have been listening to Autechres Quaristice (spelling). The great tracks which seem to beam in from a very cold, decaying planet are genius (I think there maybe 5 of them) there are however a lot of tracks which are just peculier and not so good. However I take note that this album slowly gets better and better and better. So I can't rate it really. Lets just say it's 'out there'.

  2. Yep, this is the album that made me realise I could deal with the difficult side of Autechre. I think I was on-off listening to certain tracks via youtube for a year (maybe 2) before 'seeing the light'. Probably my favorite Autechre album along with LP5 (which was an instant 'hit' for me)


    Now I listen to it and I fail to see why I had such a problem with it in the first place. Classic album and worth having on vinyl.

  3. Soundgarden - King Animal - 7/10


    After 16 years they got together and released an album. My expectation of it was that it is going to be another grunge insanity. And you won't believe it, but it's more pop, than grunge. This is a good album, it has some quite good tracks on it, for instance,

    Bones of Birds, Blood On The Valley Floor. It has highlights, and there are pretty good riffs on this thing, good singing by Chris Cornell, but the songs aren't, well let's say, powerful enough. It isn't a bad album, far away from that, but it just leaves me unimpressed. The only thing that is better than their previous efforts is the production done by Adam Kasper, but nothing more.


    Deftones - Koi No Yokan - 9.4/10


    I've never been a huge fan of Deftones. I liked 'em because they weren't the typical nu-metal band. They always had great instrumentation, a variate vocal range and great lyrics. I've heard they dropped this LP, and before they did, only thing I heard about it was the song Rosemary. For some reason it blew me away. So I had a pretty good reason to check out this album.

    My god, this is one of the best releases this year. Important thing is that, there are no filler tracks! Every one is special and it is beautiful in it's own way. Great production, great playing, great atmosphere, great songs, great lyrics, great singing. There are so many fantastic moments on here. The tape-like overdriven guitar intro in Rosemary with really soft pads, every single moment in Poltergeist that has an unusual chord-progressioned chorus and which, for some, reason remains my favorite track from this LP. Then bassline in Swerve City, the guitar part in Romantic Dreams, the chorus in Leathers, soft song Entombed, then Tempest..

    The whole album is amazing, and I recommend it strongly.


    Isis - Live 5 - 9/10


    They've played this performance on a festival on which each band had to perform one of their albums. Isis was asked to play their 2002 LP "Oceanic". They've outdone themselves with this performance, and it is special to me because Oceanic brought me into Isis and I am still thinking is Panopticon or Oceanic better. Honorable mention to Justin Broadrick who did a great job on the production (with Aaron Harris), considering he usually does unusual production, especially for Jesu.


    Isis - Live 6 - 9/10


    This one is probably their best Live album, and at the same time - most various when it's up to albums. They've played songs from Oceanic, Panopticon, Celestial, The Read Sea EP, In The Absence For Truth, The Mosquito Control EP...

    A breath-taking performance that appears to be released as Isis' last live album (so far). Aaron Harris makes great mixes, that's for sure and it is the same case with this LP, but it's really important to mention James Plotkin, who has done a wonderful mastering for this live album and gave it another dimension.


    If These Trees Could Talk - The Red Forrest - 9/10


    Sadly, this isn't quite a well known band. They play this post-rock thing, which performance includes: drums, bass and three guitars with loads of pedals. I found out of this band when my great friend and my band's manager sent me this album with the comment "Neat post-rock album". If it weren't this little masterpiece, I wouldn't even get into a lot of great bands I'm into right now. All I can say about this album is that it's amazing, and it takes the listener to a whole new dimension. Great jams, great music, and great production. Warm recommendation.


    Jesu - Jesu - 9/10


    This album is as original as it gets. Probably, the main reason for it is that it is made by Justin Broadrick who invented a new genre, so originality and innovation aren't a weird thing when you have Justin in question. As I mentioned up there that he does unusual production, this album proves it. Sludgy guitars, orchestration, ambient effects, slow tempo, beautiful vocal melodies.. Basically everything you need to know about this album is to, just listen to the first track of it.


    Nice reviews, straight and to the point. Good work Squire.

  4. I think its rather wonderful we live in such times where great beer abounds.


    When I first got into 'real ale' I was about 17, I bought some bottles of Theakstons Old Peculier (before the family split when it was the original stuff) from a posh wine merchant in town. He used to import a few bottles of German beer and get a few British specialities in too. This isn't suppposed to sound like some old boring war story but these bottles of weird beer were so tasty but back then 'real ale' as we call it in the UK was as trendy as hog roast in Mecca. Wasn't happening at all. So its cool so many people get into all this nowadays.

  5. bm2kQ.jpg


    part of the hefeweizen winter variety pack for their pyramid brand. a smooth and sweet stout with a mixture of coffee, black licorice and dark chocolate tastes.


    I've heard of pyramid beer, supposed to be rather excellent.


    I apologise but I went to the corner shop and bought 4 cans of stella. I drank all my excellent beer on the weekend on draught down the local pub (Rebellion Roasted Nuts, a minor classic and largely unknown outside of my Shire). It must be noted that Stella although common as muck in England is a posh beer in places like Australia or perhaps Chad lol.

  6. sounds great to me, hell in the back of mind Im still unconvinced that monolith and kendrick are anything but afx lol


    I know theres a dude who plays "live" at shows, but how genious would it be to create fake aliases, use friends that DJ as a cover... imagine how much $$$$$ richard really got out of bangface and other rephlex shows. Id be interested to know if anyone has had personal chats with these guys and how much history they have with crafting tracks of this level of quality (rephlex releases).


    if afx goes through different styles and is now mostly only wanting to release older material from 4-5 years ago, that could also explain how we have had no new content from monolith or kendrick for 3 years but now suddenly have new material that is still sounding as if it was made when the first releases came out.


    I think this on occassions but keep it to myself.

  7. Yeah I just had a bad day. My above post was a bit wayward and thoughtless. Apologies.


    The UK beer culture has always been around me I take it for granted, so many good beers at my doorstep (especially in terms of the size of other countries).

  8. beer hipsters are worse than idm nerds.



    I see these cunts at beer festivals, with notepads and pens. They spend more time faffing about, taking notes and talking drivel than they do drinking. Just trainspotters who drink half measures and then score everything with numbers out of ten with decimal points. Which isn't really what beer drinking is about is it?


    Been drinking independantly brewed beer since I was 19 so I don't really see what all the fuss is about to be honest. Before that it was snakebite hahahahahhhahahhh!!!


    Even threads like this are a bit lame. People taking photos of a beer bottle before drinking it lol. OK whatever.

  9. The more I listen to Steinvord, and admittedly I don't listen to it much, the more I'm convinced it's probably a Rephlex version of a Gescom umbrella project. There might be some rdj in there, but I don't think he's necessarily the driving force (except on the myspace untitled track, which is pretty convincing).


    It can't be an 18 year old because there aren't enough dick jokes. It can't be exclusively RDJ because there aren't enough dick jokes.


    It could be a dump of TJ outtakes or TJ tracks in various stages of development, tweaked a little by some other Rephlexian.


    It could just be LU[REDACTED].


    I'm not sure that the material really warrants intense scrutiny.


    Good post.




    The clue that it is something to do with Mister James is that he/they left off the classic Untilted 9. A true trait of Aphexian standards. No 18 year old kid would do that I'm afraid.

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