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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by beerwolf

  1. So my second viewing of this at home with a beer or four obviously didn't improve matters. Ahhh I dunno it's okay. I think it does its job well in telling the beginning of a story.


    I think you should always consider positives even in the face of a mountain of negatives, so in my mind we now have a great opportunity (sorry I can never spell that fucking word) for a couple of mind bending films to link us to the first Alien.


    Ditch that cunt DL and perhaps things will work out fine? Maybe let Cameron loose on the subject I don't know. I admit I am not the worlds biggest film boffin.


    Prometheus gets a 6.8/10 for me.

  2. Does anyone else think the extras on these deluxe reissues tend to detract/distract from the focus of the original release, or in the best case, add nothing? I usually avoid them. And I've made exceptions to that rule, but to be honest half the time I end up regretting them. In fact the only two cases off the top of my head that I don't regret, were deluxe issues of brand new releases, not reissues per se.


    Think I'll pass on the box set, but at least this has reminded me that I need a new copy of the original (mine became my sister's a long time ago). :happy:


    I generally can't be bothered with unreleased demo/live/etc. bonus tracks on re-releases. Even for the bands I've been a hardcore fan of, I don't get all that excited about it. If at all.


    Same as tbh. I think I might wait for the reviews that follow, that will dictate what amount of money I spend.


    It's a class album for sure.

  3. I was only thinking a few days ago about buying this again as my original resembles something dug out of a garbage dump and wouldn't get past the first track before fff-f-f-f-f-ffff-fuc-c-c-c-kin-ggggg up on playback.


    So it seems the music Gods have decided to bestow upon us this leviathan!! Unfortunately this means instead of costing me a tenner it's gonna cost me an arm and a leg. Oh well, sounds tasty.




  4. I don't really watch tv, so you may laugh at what seems complete stupidity or ignorance but a good friend of mine recommended I get the dvd boxset of Deadwood (I have never heard of this). So I ordered this today. Sounds like my cup of tea.


    I watched the first season of Walking Dead a few months back (never heard of this either until my mate told me about it) I don't have Sky so these things pass me by.

  5. The movie that was released to cinema was the directors cut. They had a PG-13 rating version ready that was replaced by the R-Rating directors cut. Now there is going to be another extended cut release that will be 20 minutes longer and contains 30 minutes of additional bonus material.


    Just imagine how average this movie would of been without the abortion scene? (Which was what bumped it up to R-Rating).

  6. Sunday evenings in autumn and winter a few hours before bedtime I drink a couple of bottles of Guiness Foreign Extra Stout, which weighs in about 7.5% They aren't big bottles so I don't piss all night.


    It's a nice tasty night cap and a ritual I look forward too.

  7. No doubt Richard is somewhere behind Steinvord. If you don't see it in the music you must at least see it in the pranks that have followed. He is almost as genius at his windups as he is in making music. It's nothing new you know.

  8. I know almost zilch about this band or their music. Something on my radar obviously picks up something that it doesn't agree with as I have known about them since their early days. Dunno why. Strange.


    The radar always reads AVOID yet I have heard little of their music. Obviously I don't like the look of them or summat of that ilk.

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