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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by beerwolf

  1. Remember the bitching after releasing Drukqs?

    Are you fucking kidding me? You're honestly comparing this to Drukqs, and you're accusing people disappointed with Welcome of trolling?

    Drukqs: timeless, intricate, beautiful, still holding up like it was new after 10 years

    Welcome: basic, fun for a laugh and bit of dancing, already sounded dated on the day it was released.


    It's not like Welcome is going to sound better with time, so that is totally ridiculous.

  2. I played it for the second time today and the same thing happened.


    The first track injects some great, spacey Tuss vibes into my brain. My balls and ears twitch with anticipation. Then the next few tracks wash over me rather forgettably and I drift into my own thoughts, I think my brain engages again by track 7 or 8. It seemed better on second play.


    Just thought I would let you know.

  3. Mmmm on first listen this seems okay. Not really bulldozing my brain the way I thought it would do.


    Maybe I need to get on some silk flares, silk shirt, huge mother-fucking medallion, glue a rug to my chest, stick some mdma up my arse, get a cock transplant with a donkey, slick back my hair with a pot of brylcream and do cartwheels in the lounge? Then I might like it more.


    Maybe baby

  4. don't know where you get that from - certainly not from this thread....he's getting slated for "ripping off" the tuss in here if anything.


    what i think is this: the people who came to IDM/Braindance/Whatever through going out raving in the 90s, doing a load of Es and dancing all night, like this album. it's party music, not pretentious, uplifting and makes you want to dance and wave your arms about.


    the people who came to IDM/Braindance/Whataver through the likes of NiN, Radiohead etc simply don't get it. It's too happy for one thing and hasn't got enough beard-scratching moments. They can't dance and never went to raves, so don't appreciate the finer points of cutting the midrange and dropping the bass - personally it always raises a smile from me, no matter how many times it's been done before.


    anyway, not surprised a lot of you don't like this album - you weren't meant to.


    There maybe a little truth in this. Just a little.

  5. I've always seen Hecq's name around but never really listened to any of his albums, I have seen some of the sound design stuff he's done... pretty cool. I suppose it's about time I give his albums a listen.

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