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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Incal is good, I soaked it all in more on the second read through though. Gorgeous artwork and scope of story. I just picked up the Swamp Thing collections 1 and 2 from the New 52 storylines after reading some great things about it. Looking forward to starting on those this week.
  2. he is also doing bangface this Summer, so i guess he is still alive. Time spent on new music is probably a good thing!
  3. Downloaded the Heretic / Hexen / Hexen 2 bundle off steam yesterday after a chatmm session inspired me. Great memories coming back playing Hexen! it's Doom in dungeons, awesome.
  4. yoda dog is back LOL

    1. triachus


      I barely recognize him anymore without the rasterwarpings.

    2. ambermonk
  5. Right now I am loving Meathole and Filth, both great sonic bastards.
  6. Listened to the first CD during a hideous traffic jam this afternoon and it really pissed me off. Maybe it was the traffic more than anything, but it left me feeling frustrated and underwhelmed. Had not listened to it in at least 3 weeks, will give the second disc a spin tonight for fairness.
  7. I actually prefer that Daughter cover to the original. I can't stand the original.... yawn worthy chart pop fodder. Hoping for better things from the rest of the album.
  8. http://www.blastr.com/2012/03/little-known-sci-fi-fact-3.php Shes awesome I picked up Series 1-6 of X-Files on DVD a while back, and for one reason or another I kinda gave up watching part-way into series 3. Need to find the time to watch these again, will probably start series 3 from scratch. I remember at the time being blown away by how awesome series 4 was when it first aired, and everything past series 7 I have never seen.
  9. Ok back to civilization after an awesome honeymoon.... and put my pre-order in for boc stuff
  10. off to get married. brb

  11. Been playing Doom 2 and Tyrian, old school gaming FTW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrBLP2EW_5I
  12. My sources tell me the new album will drop in August 2013

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I've got some!


    3. Uniret



    4. NorthernFusion


      My gran is step-gran to BoC, she says there will be no cupcakes today.

  13. Updated for 2013 with the inclusion of Exai.... quaristice / versions draft 7.30 chiastic slide exai tri repetae untilted confield lp5 incunabula oversteps amber I still have an immense love for Quaristice, especially when coupled with versions and quadrange. Such a beast of an era, and the music that really cemented my ae-lust. I love hows its cold and mechanical, I love the ambient interludes, and I can't get enough of the different versions / iterations that they released. One tiny seed of an idea in the main album fleshes out to complete tracks in Quadrange.... Imagine if they did the same for Exai???
  14. added thermal insulation to my attic last november, reaping the benefits from a smaller heating bill over the winter months. Success!
  15. I seriously hate war. There is another repatriation here today, I live just outside the Brize Norton airbase where the bodies are flown back to. Not been many recently but every one is a reminder of the daily struggle that still goes on in Afghan. Plus we never know how many wounded are flown back.... North Korea seriously just need to chill the fuck out
  16. I guess because we (and indeed the writers) have never lived through the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse.
  17. That would be awesome. Or especially a "serious" documentary... After the Apocalypse; dealing with your walker relatives Kinda like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnNIs4YKtZM but proper serious
  18. hiking up the wizards sleeve

  19. Either way, I will still buy the shit out of season 3 on blu-ray when it is released, really enjoyed the first 2 seasons and don't have Sky so not watched any of this show "live" so far. Boxed sets make sense to me.
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