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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Pirating from soul seek because bleep won't let me download what I paid for. Ridiculous really.


    I have honestly not pirated any music in at least 9 years.


    But, I am completely tempted at this point. Bleep is doing my head in, and I hate the fact that I could be listening to Exai now rather than sitting in silence.

  2. so should we talk about the exceptional job Warp and co are doing to prevent a leak so far? I'm pretty impressed. Whatever they're doing is working so far, and if it actually lasts up until the official release date all record labels everywhere would probably like to know what the hell they did in terms of damage control.


    I know I'm not the only one here who has so little self control that i will listen to a leak as soon as i get it (without waiting for the physicals) but it would be nice to not have a choice and listen to it for the first time on CD or vinyl.




    Due to the number of people that seem to (or claim to) have the promo, Warp do not seem to have been tight with the distribution so far. Which means that it is highly likely that something else is in place to stop the album leaking.


    Whether they have simply threatened to send the Ninja assassin hit squad round, or "this promo will self destruct upon ripping" or whatever... it has worked (so far). And its great.


    Hopefully some new technology / distribution method that they will roll out for all releases.


    Or it's just voodoo.

  3. was happy to be part of the initial banter and subsequent lol.

    Then got bored, went away and did something else.

    Back now as im sure it will be released soon ish....

    Seriously even if its not released until the actual release date they have told us, that is great for Warp as a label being able to keep a lid on the release, and +10 internet points for the antipiracy team.


    #waits for gl0tch to tell me to go fuck myself#

  4. I remember when this thread were back in double figure page numbers, and we were all anticipating 100 pages being the big finale.


    Back when Pixelives were waiting for his promo to arrive in the post.

    Back before Obel was a moderator.

    Back when we just found out the track lengths and all communally jizzed over bladelores being so long....

    Trying to find QR codes in the artwork.

    Loads of stuff happened back then.


    Pages 101 - 196 is basically just shit whining and frustrated fanboys fapping into cups and whinging that nobody has leaked this fucker yet.






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