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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Been watching Utopia on C4 over here. First episode was brilliant, 2nd ep (last night) was OK but not as good as the first.


    Premise / mass spoilers / story so far:



    Post-cold war "network" of scientists / engineers / officials not linked to any particular country / religion do a load of chemical experiments, invent loads of stuff like BSE, Flu etc... One of the scientists has enough and decides to quit... the rest of the scientists have him sectioned to a mental hospital where he writes a graphic novel explaining his role in the group. It is not taken as serious but ends up being a best selling works of fiction.


    Current day fans of the novel find out about a volume 2 of the works, the original manuscript exists and the "network" are chasing it down to stop their secrets being revealed. The daughter of the rogue scientist leads an annoying welsh bird, a black IT guy, a muslim geek chap (who is tortured effectively in EP1 and ends up partially blinded) and a 11 year old chav kid to track down the manuscript and stop it from falling into the networks hands.


    Another story is unfolding at the same time, revolving around an outbreak of russian flu and government corruption.

    Good stuff so far.


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