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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I've still not listened to spl9, and I don't wanna hear this either. I want to hear the whole album fresh! It annoys me if I know 1 or 2 tracks off an album before the rest of it is available, kinda spoils the flow of a first listen, especially when "album acts" like autechre are concerned.
  2. badly quoted for truth :wait: : they seem to have fixed mobile quoting!
  3. it would be a complete shambles if this didnt reach 200 pages before the release to be honest.
  4. Yes! Like this one. *edit* This thread is already much greater in terms of LOLs and content than the Oversteps thread ever was, even before a leak / official teaser is released. Good work.
  5. Let t be the time between posts. Let X be the number of posts. Let L be the lushness factor (>1) Let p be the logarithmic increase in photoshops per hour Let g be the number of hits on google for "exai" that return the janetboobsautechre.jpg file t = Xgp L2
  6. Im just feeling sorry for the americans and australians. bleep will no doubt release the digital files during GMT office hours, you either gotta be up at weird hours or get it after the brits. Oh, hang on, this is watmm.
  7. Up to 39 more days of this shit to sit through, growing at approximately 3-4 pages per day. We are looking at a potential 300 page thread before this shit even gets released.
  8. God of Lamb armitage and shanks and bigfoot brian ferry corsten
  9. autechrejanetboobs.jpg First page google image result. Amazin work watmm.
  10. Thanks for the bullwallet update, my tumblr feed was crammed full of awesome shops
  11. Fuuuccc... the last time I watched that was when Adrian Chiles was on it. May have to tune in again. She hot.
  12. Aserinsky, forgive my ignorance but who is the very fine female figure in your Avatar? Also; Lol
  13. Last night I did the ironing to LP5 and EP7. Tru-fax. Rock n Roll
  14. what warp need to do now is release a couple of clips or a youtube video. Just to keep the anticipation levels high, especially if broadcasting is banned.
  15. Been watching Utopia on C4 over here. First episode was brilliant, 2nd ep (last night) was OK but not as good as the first. Premise / mass spoilers / story so far:
  16. i got a fever, and I need more cowbell

    1. usagi


      sorry, all I've got is woodblock

    2. ambermonk


      Can't have cowbell without Christopher Walken and Will Ferrell.

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I make gold records

  17. yesterday was apparently the most depressing day of the year. blue monday. Keep the p-shops of the track names coming, its the only thing that is keeping this thread from being cast into watmm exaile.
  18. Hi Guyz, Herez mi CD1 promo with a pile of £50 notes I had lying around. I dont got CD2 yet as my tumblr aint hip enough *note* £50 notes and / or promo CD may be faek
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