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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Nice bumpy choons. A DJ friend of mine was looking for acid breaks stuff a few months back so I will send him this way.
  2. The original was a nice enough movie and all, but I cant help but to predict that each of these will be 3hr+ bloated monsters with cool effects littered throughout and a vaguely linear plot with diminishing returns.
  3. I have a crappy 4 track that records 320mp3 to a compact flash card. My "live" experiments so far are to lay down a drone / atmosphere sound, then add a percussion layer and then any other noises / synth / stuff. It's very lofi and I just use the tempo clock out control on my volca drum to synch everything up. Audacity / flstudio to administer any tweaks required afterwards, usually just EQ / volume.
  4. "Despite the negative press covfefe," - Tronald Dump, Resident of the Punited Tates of Samerica
  5. "We're in the pipe, 5 by 5" - Corporal Ferro
  6. RIP Hudson, he had some of the best lines. Yesterday I learnt where the phrase "knuckling down" comes from. Its when your playing marbles and you rest your knuckles spread out on the floor to give yourself a steady hand for flicking the marble. Tru phax
  7. This album is REALLY good. Perfectly weird, full of interesting loops and vocal manipulations, and doesn't outstay its welcome. Lovely.
  8. Oh yes, I guess I should have also said that magic can happen at raves. Sunrise with some rain and a rainbow; meeting cool folks that become friends; that TUNE; When you attract the right people. Which is why a ticketed event with security can be appealing ?
  9. What lush artwork. Lucy is new to me - I will definitely be giving this one a spin. Dilloway knows the deal.
  10. Seems like the usual blend of angry drunk teenagers trying to party, and stoned hippies trying to rave. I found it absolutely terrifying when the cops turned up at a rave once. To be fair, they engaged peacefully to start with, they spoke to the DJs / entourage and told them that they were trespassing on private land and causing noise complaints, they needed to end the party now and get people to disperse. An hour later the party was still going and the cops then arrived en-masse dresses appropriately as per that video. Suffice to say, we didn't have around long. When twats start indiscriminately throwing bottles and ravers get caught in the crossfire, its no fun anymore. Rave's can be awful places. Muggings, violence, awful drug abuse and overdoses from people who don't know when to stop, mass damage and littering to often natural / wild environments, fires, I have heard of people getting stabbed, girls being sexually assaulted. Unfortunately raves can attract the pits of humanity. Which is one reason why I have stayed clear for a long while now. Maybe i'm just a boring middle aged twat now (yes)
  11. I could make one of those. Bin liner and a bicycle pump.
  12. Stumbled across a community testing mobile station today, so I obliged. Very easy. Gave my e-mail address so they could send my result, which arrived negative within half an hour. They gave me a pack of home self test Rapid Antigen tests too. Job done and now I feel ok visiting my vulnerable grandad at the weekend.
  13. Fucking disgusting. I know they were trying to break into the stadium, but that doesn't give you the right to assault them. To be honest, I am glad England lost. Do not deserve to win with "fans" like that. Makes me ashamed of our country. I imagine most of the hatred / anxiety / anger from these goons is the pandemic effect - most of them not had a drink or a day out in 18 months. First chance to get on it and bruise some knuckles they get right stuck in. Unfortunately for us, the rest of Europe was watching, and laughing us out of Europe. One quote I wish to share found on the BBC website, then I will say nothing more about this.
  14. The second Storey album Lucid Locations is really great, kinda idm electro techno blend? There is a new ALSO album imminent
  15. What a great documentary, I somehow missed this thread before. Just sat and watched the whole thing, really well put together and makes me realise I have not listened to any BoC in a while now. The whole XXXXX/etc thing was pretty nuts wasn't it!
  16. Finally watched Spring last night, great stuff. A love story with horror elements. The first half an hour starts off feeling like the other Benson and Moorhead films, great natural dialogue and humour. But you don't really know where the film is going. There's some pretty intense music as he enters the hostel which makes you sit back and think that this is it....
  17. They know that was then, and it will be again
  18. Its top tier trolling from the bros boc if you were waiting for the bocset. I think it's great that they feel comfortable enough releasing something quite different like this - maybe shows a sign of freedom in the studio and an oiling of the cogs for more to come.
  19. Big fan of the ALSO project! Will listen to this soon
  20. Listing and selling stuff on discogs. Should be some stuff going up to interest WATMM folks. Happy to take offers! Sold a few things quick last night which surprised me already. Currently selling UK only but can discuss international. PS I am going off Discogs suggested prices for what I should sell - I am not looking to make mega bucks just get these to people who will appreciate them. https://www.discogs.com/seller/fletchymole/profile Also: If you see something in my collection you are keen on, lets talk https://www.discogs.com/user/fletchymole/collection
  21. I like this, don't mind the vocals at all, even with the slightly creepy lyrics.
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