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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Is this because people do not want the Vaxx, or invites / requests are not getting out to people?
  2. It's not single use plastic though so it's ooookkkkkk.
  3. https://theconversation.com/audio-cassettes-despite-being-a-bit-rubbish-sales-have-doubled-during-the-pandemic-heres-why-157097 Nicely put, actually. Digital detachment and connection with the artist.
  4. Yep pretty good, just watched that. And nail on the head really, you can't just blame America for the fall of Dubstep. I think Skrillex kicked away the crutches of dubstep when it was already crippled.
  5. This is pretty good - the last hour and a bit is Skream doing an impressive dubstep set. Great fun seeing the drone flying around the hall. It is a great venue - I have been in there a couple of times for concerts and the sound in there is really strong. Wasn't too impressed with the MC Crazy D when it first started, but I warmed to him - looked like he and Skream were having a great time
  6. Yeah the Troniks revival pretty much passed me by over here in the uk. Need to remedy that.
  7. That sample does indeed sound rather good. I assume this will be vinyl only as with other AF releases, so I will be getting the digital through bandcamp since their vinyl imports are rather costly - although depending on the print run this time, I imagine blerp / boomklart / redeye will get some in
  8. Soloman Tump

    afx nft

    Thank you, I read all of that. Cleared a few things up in my head
  9. Shouldn't rust inside unless you live in a shed or have high humidity in your home.... Just sand and oil it, should be fine... or paint it... would that effect the sound? Rust might also make it resonate differently (awesomely?)
  10. A ton of live sets from this event have been put on soundcloud... this is just Friday's listing. I remember the controversy around this happening... a full year ago now....
  11. Soloman Tump

    afx nft

    Most IDM 2021 Selling a gif and audio loop for 72.00 ETH then planting a forest to offset the carbon footprint of said gif
  12. Soloman Tump

    afx nft

    I saw this reposted on my feed but it refreshed before I could see who posted it edit Hah, inzanejonny has it. The lord of the memes indeed!
  13. Soloman Tump

    afx nft

    Imagine if BOC had done this instead! :D
  14. Soloman Tump

    afx nft

    If anyone here actually wants to invest in this. Good. But.... Consider this. Pay me half the amount. I will buy a field, plant a woodland and nurture it. And in 30 years time, we will see which investment is worth more? I just don't understand bitcoin / digital investment. Sorry. it just seems a new weird way for rich people to "legitimately" pork off some of their cash to avoid tax bills
  15. Soloman Tump

    afx nft

    And I'm sure whoever runs this website earns a mint from selling an apex twins exclusive gif
  16. Soloman Tump

    afx nft

    So it's social media for art collectors?
  17. I went for a walk around a reservoir and recorded the sound of water pouring through a sluice gate. It was nice. WB
  18. Yes this is great. Obscene sound design with some booty shaking moments. It's 30 minutes of exceptionally weird and nasty fun. Kinda wish I had ordered the vinyl now All hail Qebrus, and the mighty Otto
  19. Myself (as Soloman Tump) and Stone Jaw followed up our 2020 split, and created a socially distanced collaborative dungeon synth/noise/drone/weird thing that we christened Clairvont. We each worked independently on layers of sound, not knowing what the other was preparing, only guided by a rough duration. Sounds like it could be a complete clusterfuck, right?! Well, actually it turned out to be semi-cohesive and it helped us come up with the project name and premise. We layered our sections, and with some simple volume / EQ control, The First was created.
  20. Actually enjoying Snowpierecer season 2, more than I thought I would. Episode 6 was pretty cool actually
  21. Started listening to this through whilst doing some CAD work last week. It got too much by part 4 -. It's amazing how it escalates / suddenly dips and goes sour. Will try and listen through soon, it's been too long
  22. I like the Snaresmans singing . My dick is so hard is could tear you apart! Can't believe My So Called Life is 11 years old. Madness. Listening now, actually still a great album. The sound might be slightly worn but the added vocals actually makes it something fresh, even if it's not your bag.
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