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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. It does feels like a wall of instructions. Gradual introduction makes much more sense! I printed it out on the work computer whilst alone in the office today - something to play around with at the weekend ?
  2. I forgot to reply... this is a really interesting idea! I love how the story unfolds in the start of the book. But I must admit I haven't got my head around all the rules yet. I would definitely prefer this as a book rather than a .pdf So maybe I will print it out...
  3. Thanks for the bump, I actually totally forgot about this album due to covid / lockdown / life. Will dig it out again!
  4. Yeah this sucks. Maybe it will appear one day as a digital download once all the sets are sold? They would be mad not to do that, it will only get pirated about otherwise.
  5. Very nice! I have the 3 x CD box set that came out a few years back though, which suits me fine.
  6. If the autechre bandcamp page is legit as it appears to be, I would suggest its cheaper for warp to run things via bandcamp and close down the individual bleepstores as servers?
  7. How's everyone feeling out there? It's gonna be a tough winter for many. Lets chuck some ideas into the ring for positive mental health over the coming months.... STAY POSITIVE TEST NEGATIVE ?
  8. Hello! Today on the Urban Mutant radio show on KHUH Seattle, I provide an hour of eerie / dismal / strange sounds. An hour of drones, noises, dark techno and dirge... just what you need to perk you up in these crazy times! 3pm Pacific time // 11pm GMT Recorded live from vinyl on Halloween, featuring Necro Deathmort, Autechre, Alberich, Exoplekz, SHXCXCHCXSH, Rote, Polypores, Silent Servant and many more.... also a cheeky live track from me in there.... https://www.hollowearthradio.org/listen 104.9fm if you are local ? Thanks to DJ Bleek (Strange Selectors / Urban Mutant) for giving me the opportunity, was a fun mix to put together. I will post the inevitable listen again Mixcloud link once its available Cheers
  9. Too soon to actually decide properly but my gut says PLUS
  10. Gonna binge on Garth Merenghis Dark place tonight and eat ice cream whilst we stare in the abyss of a months lockdown
  11. The most amusing part is that it was the Labour party that set up this independent watchdog in the first place. The BNP are the only other party that have been investigated.
  12. Can somebody rename the thread Gone Corbyn
  13. I'm kinda glad this happened tbh. So much Tory bashing online recently (obviously most of it justified) but the left is just as toxic a place to be in politics. Politics in general needs a great big kick up the ass
  14. Resident Advisor done a write up on DSF https://www.residentadvisor.net/features/3771 I was a member but I think I posted about 10 times in total. It got pretty toxic there towards the end.
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