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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I watched this last night and really enjoyed it. Of course it makes you think Whu...? but I like films that make me think. Big spoilers (from my point of view)...
  2. It's obviously an anagram of GINS Brian and Tim have been making their own sloe gin during lockdown.
  3. I watched Wild at Heart again at the weekend. Really sexy and freaky. Loved Cage and Dern. Especially the flashback scenes of Dern with her creepy uncle, and her scene with Bobby Peru in the motel. wtf. It's also spot the Twin Peaks cameo, which Lynch used the film as a casting couch for the series. I also watched Birdman, which I really, really enjoyed. Michael Keaton was great! And so was Edward Norton to be fair. Naomi Watts is great is most things she is in, although I thought she was a bit underused in this. Also cameo spot for the guy who plays Charlie from Twin Peaks (Audrey's dwarfish husband in The Return) - and plenty of other Twin Peaks style feel's from the film, especially the musical score and lighting. Great.
  4. Spoiler

    its a sign!


  5. Agreed, although a single with associated video is fine (aka minipops) Although of course ae have never followed the traditional singles from album route. Gantz Graf was their only "single" release I think? Or is it an ep Sure
  6. Me too, I like it. But also like meme.
  7. ...or they dont want to test it on their own people
  8. I remember North Korea announcing their first ever case.... then... a wall of silence. So many innocent people will be dead there.
  9. I keep half an eye here https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
  10. Soloman Tump


    I am very much looking forward to it. BR2049 was the last film I saw at the cinema!
  11. The sandwich shop in my town has a sign out like this! General lockdown measures starting to creep in again in the UK. FML.
  12. Just found this whilst record shopping.., brand new on 2020 vision! https://www.redeyerecords.co.uk/vinyl/121674-vis-321-cignol-past-futures *edit* Hah, just realised its a style they use on lots of releases, they change the colour each time - https://www.2020recordings.com/ It's everywhere
  13. You have a very productive work rate! Will check this out for sure
  14. Ref: multitude of meme's.... Its just a bit of fun in an otherwise shit world whilst we wait for a new album from some electronic music legends! Ref:- the artwork.... Maybe they know it looks like the money supermarket logo, and they are trollin' But I quite like it.
  15. Im going into this blind, even if there are leaks / teasers. We should all do youtube react videos for our first play through. Such lush.
  16. Soloman Tump


    Wish they hadn't revealed the worm at the end there. Nevermind, looks fun. Might make my first 2020 trip to the cinema for this (unless we are back in lockdown again...) I hope the dialogue is clear - seems to be a problem lately (Tenet had bad reviews because of the audio mixing)
  17. Yeah. Ill probably (begrudgingly) pay for a month over Christmas so I can watch this and whatever else is new.
  18. Hope they host it somewhere, sounds like it was glitchy as hell.
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