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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I have a pair of these which are essentially Technics 1210 clones (I mean, they even look the same) Main benefits over the Technics are +/- 50% pitch control, better torque for start/stop and cheaper (but still £600 each. I paid for them monthly over 2 years which didn't feel as bad....)
  2. Belt drive's are perfect for home listening. Direct drive's are perfect for DJing (allows you back cue a record and it starts playing at the right speed when you let go)
  3. 800 pages. That's a strong thread. It's a good thread. Believe me, its an inexpensive thread that we can build very cheaply. And we can get Mexico to pay for it.
  4. I need a new autechre album to soak deep into. The live stuff - I quite enjoy but I can't stick one on and meld with the sound in the same way that I would with an album. It's weird.
  5. There are matrix mixers, and Matrix Mixers of course. Some are passive, (noisy as hell) and some are active which gives you a clean blend of signals and phase correction. Check this bad boy:
  6. This should probably go in a gear thread as well, but Really excited to see what can be done with this once they start experimenting
  7. Covid has come at the right time for our administration, many have taken their eyes off the Brexit ball and its thundering along in the background without us realising (myself included. So many other things to worry about!)
  8. I thought Resolution was excellent given the limited budget they had to work with. The "kinda shaky cam" filming method didn't make it seem amateurish at all, and when you figure out the premise of the movie I guess it makes more sense. Some interesting world building going on, looking forward to Endless tonight!
  9. Thanks for the recommendation, watching Resolution now, and found Endless on Netflix for tomorrow night
  10. Just watched kong, skull island. Was ok. You could have completely cut Tom Hiddleston's character out from the movie and made zero impact on the plot. Cool looking kong / 10
  11. oh wow that is super nice. Can someone lend me a couple of grand?
  12. Out now! Really lush. Burning a CDr with this and Outland on for my car trip tonight.
  13. So in the interest of science I took this pedal apart. On the PCB there was a 5-terminal block that had a 2 pronged wire "thing" in, and a 3 pronged wire "thing". I wiggled them and the 3 pronged thing was VERY loose, like, it fell out at the slighted touch. I doubled over the wires and pushed it in tight. I tightened up the 1/4" connectors, put it back together, and hey presto! Fully working DIY Valhalla Fuzz pedal. Was chuffed at sorting that out.
  14. https://tommycreep.bandcamp.com/merch/black-panels-only-eurorack-zine-issue-ii Eurorack zine! Really great reading. Interviews with module designers, artists and what / how / why they do their thing. Really interesting to me as eurorack is all new to my innocent mind. Mainly noise, experimental, industrial music. Well worth the time and money.
  15. Ive got a great fuzz pedal that someone hand built a few years back, but every time you touch the aluminium outer case it creates a deep HUMMMMM I have limited diagnostic skills, but i'm guessing that is a stray wire inside and it's earthing out when I touch it? Can anyone help? I can take the pedal apart and have a look.. if it is just a wire I can probably sort it out, but could it be something else?
  16. Sorry cannot help but Gerd Janson is a deep crate digger... Could be anything French from the past 25 years!
  17. This also sounds lush. I reckon together with the Outland album this will become a killer playlist. Also, iTAL tEK has done an xlr8r podcast but its currently behind a paywall
  18. Agreed, and we know Covid has pillaged its way through the country's care homes, where most people would have underlying health conditions to start with (that's the reason they need caring for)
  19. Lol @ statistics. Yes it looks shit for us, with 300000 confirmed cases and 45000 dead, but relatively under control. But Brazil have over 2000000 confirmed cases, 82000 dead and rising fast. Which country would you prefer to be in? *edit* But lets be honest, its still shit.
  20. Trying to finish Snowpiercer, got 3 episodes left. Its kinda crap but theres enough going on that its not boring.
  21. Dude wearing the MULCH T-shirt has his fucking nose poking out from the top of the mask Therefore, not sure if this video is a double-bluff irony test
  22. I pop in semi regularly, leave a message for myself, then check back a day or so later and see that either a) nobody has replied, or b) nobody has even been in to the room I guess with more people using a dedicated client / app these days (such as discord) the requirement for a web-based chatmm has dwindled.
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