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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Finished Dark s3 last night. Really great ending! Pretty much everything got tied up. Also, a few brutal scenes in this series. Great stuff.
  2. Didn't realise Andrew "Hafler trio" McKenzie was part of the whitehouse ensemble for a while. I have learnt something today.
  3. Slowly working through season 3 of Dark. Slightly frustrating yes, but I prefer to spread episodes out a few days at a time even though its all there waiting for me to binge. Overall has been a GREAT series though. The music / sound and lack of obvious plot holes alone is well worth the watch! SO glad they planned for 3 series, filmed 3, and called it a day. I can imagine execs clambering for them to make more but it would completely fuck with the story that they have so far told extremely well.
  4. Will you be busy in 4 months time? Start the open call for submissions now and see what rolls in....
  5. Alan pls Preview track is heavy. One minute its dark and brooding, then the next some beautiful icicle melodies shimmer in and the balance is restored. Powerful use of pauses contrasted with pressured bass. It hurts so much I feel like I am in a boomkat bio. Thanks.
  6. But actually I think a road trip series of Lynch with a monkey would be ace. And Netflix do have a lot of money...
  7. Ummmm..... https://thestudioexec.com/david-lynch-to-film-wild-at-heart-tv-series-for-netflix/ Cool?
  8. Found this on instagram yesterday, looks boss
  9. Yes true, we are slightly quiet on "big" releases but loads going on in self release / digital world. I guess I just saw the record being beaten and looked at recent posts... Quality is definitely preferable to quantity as has been the case recently. Not a complaint more an observation
  10. This is going to be the norm, worldwide, for the next 2 years, minimum.
  11. Wow, so many members.... but not many posts
  12. Interest stats. In the first 2 lists I think we are the most ethnically diverse country, and also have the highest population density? Saw something today pointing to that being an reason why Leicester is continuing its lockdown... Don't a lot of Americans have German / Irish heritage? Need to check that. Germany was riding it out at around 5% excess deaths when I last saw it, so obviously the mass testing program early on really paid dividends. BoJo looked knackered in his press conference today - by my reckoning the baby will be coming up to 3 months and I recall that being a particularly stressful period!! Edit: I also think its too early to compare country to country, but yeah, we not did good
  13. Does that guy record his entire life to twitter? Seems like a constant rolling commentary of everything he does. Edit: Also, thanks for reminding me about Brexit! Had forgotten all about it ?
  14. Rrose going live on the fold.ldn YouTube stream in 30mins time
  15. Maybe not, but a movie or short series would be amazing... something related to the TP universe.... anything.... gush
  16. Hey, I loved season 2. Can' wait to start s3 on Saturday. Addictive as hell, and really great they are wrapping everything up.
  17. He's some (non) news for you! https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/kyle-maclachlan-says-he-would-absolutely-return-as-dale-cooper-for-twin-peaks-season-4.html/
  18. ... and pretty much 4 years on from the start of the project I am calling it a day (for now...). It was a great experience making this zine and I made loads of great connections with people all over the world. But my life situation is changing and I want to concentrate on making sounds for a while, so mothballing the zine for a bit. Might resurrect one day as I had a couple of cool interviews lined up for issue 8! Any remaining stock of back issues I find as I pack up to move will go up on the snare rush website. Thanks for the watmm support on this over the years, sorry I never got that interview with RDJ or the bullwallet zine finished. Hey ho.
  19. i've read some dangerous stuff posted online like "close all prisons" wtf you gonna do with the rapists and murderers then? Not everyone can be put through a rehab course and listening circle and come out an angel. There are some scum on this planet - tis human nature. Just a shame that some of them got jobs in wrong places.
  20. Have really enjoyed some of Bizzy's late night sessions, he rinses out some amazing tunes. WIll watch his production vids, thanks for sharing. He gave me a demo CD at the bangface weekender about 8 years ago after we got chatting at the bar, such a decent geezer! And I was fairly wasted but maybe he was too.
  21. Mix and EQ is pretty much most of it. Lockdown has seen me in a fairly creative flurry but the mastering process has made me feel fairly shoddy about the release I have planned. I wanted the whole thing to be totally DIY - a snapshot of the covid lockdown and what I could achieve - but a lot of the time I lilsten back to what I have recorded and I just don't like it any more. Have read up a fair bit on EQ, mastering, filters, etc... some really interesting work methods out there. I guess the online services are fine if you have a 4/4 house track where you want "pumping" bass and side chained vocal compression. Not sure they will cater much for noise inspired industrial dronecore.
  22. Nice, I would definitely support. Or rather than a crowdfunder, go straight to the man himself and see if he will stick it up on bandcamp or something. Methyl Furlough
  23. I only got the vinyl sampler in the end, which is brilliant as an album in itself. WIll spurge out for the digitals on Friday. Custard Speedtalk ?
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