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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Shit leader, shit reaction. Feel sorry for Brazil
  2. Watching The OA on netflix to kill time until Dark S3 starts. Its actually OK. I think its about a witch or something.
  3. Yeah this fucking pisses me off. If you gotta party, you gotta deal with the hangover.
  4. Hah, and now i've got Glass Room stuck in my head... again... for a few more months
  5. So you want FlyLo, Yves Tumor and Danny Brown subforums?
  6. Reallocation of funds is definitely a more worthwhile exercise. Side rant: Last month in the UK a 100 year old war veteran raised £32,000,000 for the NHS by walking 100 laps around his garden. Of course the media picked up on it and it went viral, hence why so many people chipped in. Yes, his actions should be applauded. But basically we should question why that £32mil was needed so desperately by the NHS in the first place. AND then BoJo went and gave him a knighthood. Not for putting his life on the line for fighting in World War 2 or Burma, but for propping up the funding of the NHS that is so desperately lacking from BoJo's own party, a pat on the back for a stealth tax. Again, from a position of privilege, I would actually be OK with paying a little more in tax if I knew the money was going to the NHS, rather than having to watch a near crippled war veterans raise it through a charitable act. There probably is enough capital in the tax slush though to properly fund the NHS if other sectors took a cut. I dunno. Perhaps a large number of police responses in social situations would be better responded to by an NHS department or a new social relations group. Just a thought.
  7. People talking about disbanding the police and questioning whether we need prisons. lol. Of course we do. What do you want to do with all the rapists and murderers once they realise there are no cops on the streets to go after them? We can't exactly ship them off to Australia anymore.... A lot of people made a shit ton of money out of the likes of Grand Theft Auto. Entertainment culture needs to take a look in the mirror if you want kids to stop shooting each other. Education needs improving across the board. We want integration of the vast number of different minority groups living in the UK? Sure - but don't bury the past and the reasons why many people either settled here or were historically brought here - learn from it. Teach it in schools. Don't glorify it. Sure, if removing the statues helps, do it. But put something else up in their place that commemorates the people and not the person. Edit I'm pretty fired up about this today. Will probably delete / alter later. Don't hate me. PS I still think Papa Lazarou on league of gentlemen is funny. Yeah its blackface but its a character in a satirical fictional world where EVERY character in the show is a send-off of someone. You're a job seeker? You're a vet? You're a teacher? You're a taxi driver looking to switch genders? LOG got your back. PPS Sorry I know. I'm a heterosexual white male, educated, have a job, a mortgage, am able bodied, am married to a woman and we have 2 natural children. Privileged as fuck. You hate my opinion. Sometimes my depression kicks in because I hate the inequality of the world so much.
  8. Interestingly in Bristol, it appears the police stood by and allowed the statue to be toppled. They went in with a low key approach ahead of the protests, were not sufficiently staffed to protect the statue, and so stood down. They realised how volatile the situation could have got if they had intervened. I like the idea of the statue being reclaimed and confined to a museum.
  9. Kinda cringe-watching Snowpiercer on Netflix right now. Weird. Waiting for Dark series 3 to kick off!
  10. STATUE OF SLAVE TRADER TOPPLED IN BRISTOL I do not agree with this. You cannot erase history. Our children should know how we got to be where we are today. I certainly agree with the black lives matter campaign and have done a fair bit of reading up over the weekend. But there are surely much better ways to make in impactful statement than going out, causing damage, attacking police officers, and putting yourself and others at risk to Covid. Plus: Covid gonna be rife again 2 weeks time. There are better ways to protest right now. To me it feels like all of the lockdown sacrifices that the vast majority of the UK citizens have made have basically gone to waste.
  11. No Covid-19 related deaths in Oxfordshire for the past week. There are still obvious UK hotspots (dense urban areas mostly), but it seems to be under control in most rural areas now. Life slowly emerging as a "new normal" which I hope means more sustainable travel, less waste, looking out for each other and the environment, and supporting small business. Yeah, I can hope. Where is "here"?
  12. Twitter storm away, and tag the minor-celebrity in it too. What could go wrong.
  13. Nnnhhgggh.... resisting eurorack still.. for now. If I make the leap I will have to sell a bunch of stuff I have to make space for it (and raise some funds). Happy fiddling with pedals and sticking with my lo-fi approach. Yes. really, I am.
  14. I want this but I struggle to listen to everything that I purchase as it is. Not sure how I will do 7 hours worth of new (to me) material justice tbh! nvm just realised its pay what you like... awesome work
  15. Happy with this live recording from yesterday. Pulled straight from my mixer, recording live with no post-processing, all hardware still. Kinda getting the feeling I could do a live show now without making a complete dick of myself. Maybe. I was also invited to provide some sounds for Heinous Whining #10 which is a weekly noise/improv/experimental stream which has been going out live weekly on Twitch, Saturday evenings during lockdown. My 16 minute set with weird accompanying video is here: Also some amazing other sets on there, Evicshen is up last and she slays it with the NOISE
  16. As far as I can see, its just economics jargon, for example this from the UK Office for national statistics: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1057%2Felmr.2010.155.pdf nothing to do with racism?
  17. https://townsendmusic.store/cart/product.php?id=64409&utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=WC_-_250520_-_Bank_Holiday_Sale__LEs&utm_medium=email Probably the same thing although says 26th June release date
  18. Somewhere I've got the 2CD reissue, cannot locate it at this present moment though, which is annoying. it is very good. I've got 14:31 on 12" single which is LUSH
  19. Just watched episode 1 of The Last Dance, great docu indeed. Bringing back great memories of being in school and idolising The Bulls... basically in the UK B-Ball was pretty big at the time, we used to be able to see some key highlights on a Sunday morning on Channel 4, with the occasional full game on late night tv that you could set the VHS for and watch back the next day! There was also a weekly basketball newspaper, Slam Dunk... wish I still had a few of those.
  20. Don't mind Battles. Was ok with the Dsrkstar thing too. My wife likes Maximo Park.
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