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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. https://bandcamp.com/SolomanTump Everything from Bruno Muerte onwards is new for me in the past week. Randomly picked up that Beth Orton album because I realised it was produced alongside Andrew Hung from Fuck Buttons (and I love Beth Orton anyway)
  2. Mr parish is to he answer roused piqued afford sussex Attachment companions man way excellence how her pianoforte Mr oh winding it enjoyed by between He ye body or made on pain part meet Of or imprudence solicitude affronting in mr possession West none hope if sing oh sent tell is Differed and and felicity steepest mrs age outweigh Behind sooner dining so window excuse he summer
  3. https://www.residentadvisor.net/news/72301

  5. @ZeffoliaI have always believed that physical assets will outlive virtual assets. We are a growing global population with a shrinking physical planet (the UK is eroding into the sea!). The online world will grow and be devalued. Owning property / land will become ever more valuable. This is one reason who I hope to soon leave Oxfordshire... I can't afford anything here.
  6. https://ritualsdeclarations.bigcartel.com/ Just discovered this zine, looks fantastic. Have ordered the first 2.
  7. Yep. I've avoided baskets and trolleys for a while now. Put stuff straight in my own bags then i know I have capacity to carry it out after I've paid.
  8. As long as you got it down to around 200 hours, I'm in
  9. New Avon Terror Corps compilation raising money for homeless people in Bristol.Fully supported
  10. I love how there is very little air traffic lately. You can get some great morning shots without the chemtrails.
  11. Just sperged £40 on stuff thats been in my wishlist for a while. Spread it out amongst artists and labels I love. Peace to the world, sleep well and stay healthy.
  12. has a day off watmm and misses autechre webcast ?
  13. The Italian and Spanish ecomonies were wafer thin before this kicked off.... it is not going to be good for the EU long term.
  14. He lives in a village about 3 miles from me. Was hoping to bump into him some day walking the dog. Maybe not now.
  15. Wooden shack out in the country is probably safest best to be honest.
  16. I have the first issue of this, really great stories and art included. The diary from squat raves in the 90s particularly great to read.
  17. At what point do I start to think that panic buying is a legitimate strategy for the continuity of my family.
  18. Went for a nice long walk along the river / through the woods yesterday. Recorded some great birdsong and the sound the river was making at a weir gate, intense noise! Was great for the soul and to get some fresh air. Didn't see anybody for hours. If you get the opportunity, I encourage you all to do the same. It is an extremely low risk activity and exercise is vitally important for your immune system.
  19. Did anyone bring a bottle opener? ?
  20. We can only hope that the extra few months might help them improve the lineup of releases a bit. Another shoddy year.....
  21. Can I build a bunker next door to yours, and I'll play noise music 24/7 at 140db 150db. When you get really fed up, you can pop over to bang on the door.
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