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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I would call that a great place to catch COVID-19
  2. Everything is cancelled apart from Bangface weekender which is just kicking off right about now! Great way to keep your immune system up to scratch hah
  3. Thanks to whoever added COVID-19 to the thread title.
  4. True, I probably won't die. But my son who has asthma and breathing difficulties since he was born, plus my grandad who is 82 and is overweight with heart problems, are both at high risk. I don't want to be the one who passes it on to them. Enough with the I'll be alright jack attitude.
  5. This album is fucking glorious. My mind just exploded - headphones are a must. AOTY contender for sure.
  6. Rumour at our school drop off this morning was to prepare for a 4 week Easter break....seems sensible I guess.
  7. Is it ok to touch your peen? Asking for a friend
  8. I am enjoying / horrified by the strange mixture of memes, (mis)information, leadership soundbites and personal stories of fear in this thread. Keep strong, watmm
  9. Soloman Tump


    If you don't declare it, can they actually trace it to you anyway?
  10. Coachella postponed until October. No way they would postpone Glastonbury until then - lol, October weather in the UK - so I am guessing that will be cancelled at some point. 50th anniversary special too!
  11. SXSW cancelled ? Bangface weekender is on
  12. No, it just makes me intrigued about the release a bit more. Its not up on the SKAM bleepstore yet
  13. The UK has a confirmed death, so the stats are WRONG Edit, nvm, the guy who died was on board the cruise ship so he's counted there
  14. The ones that "enjoy" their jobs (and have posted such in this thread) will most likely be posting in work time anyway ?
  15. I can't see what closing schools for 2 weeks will do though... if the virus is still coming into the country after that time then it will just spread at a later date rather than now.... Air travel and borders needs to be closed to stop new infected patients travelling into Italy, THEN you can close schools.
  16. All schools in Italy closing for 2 weeks. *hoards toilet rolls and rice*
  17. @no part of itre: Bandcamp They started e-mailing out people who are complaining
  18. Used to be 8-6 Mon-Fri and 8-1 Saturday But i've crashed and burned over the past few years, with 2 young kids and everything else going on..... Since the start of this year i've been taking a day off a week to be with my 2 year old son and my wife goes to work. I also work less Saturdays than I used too. Currently reassessing, applying elsewhere, house is up for sale (pretty close to accepting an offer actually) and I am going to re-train and do something completely different, probably down in Devon.
  19. I'm not sold on this Z-A boxed set. I had the original S1/S2 gold box (sold it) and Ive got the blu rays of S1/S2/Return, so there is no need realllllllllly Re: The 4.5 hour mega-explanation on youtube, im about halfway through, and everything he says so far makes sense (in his annoying accentual way) Not sure if I could sit and watch it all in one hit though.
  20. Creating some parameters in sofrware, and handing them out to hardware. pls
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