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Everything posted by Stock

  1. well we're only 45 min in an already on track 6 or so (?). shit's loaded with l-events. Fixt
  2. On the pitchfork scale going from 0 to Best New Music, this is at least 'quite good'
  3. Everything just flows so perfectly it's supernatural. Shit is tight yo
  4. It sounds really accessible but in a good way. Deep stuff but easier to follow than elseq, not to mention the AE LIVE stuff. I love it seriously
  5. Oh hell that rolling kick is awesome. As awesome as everything we had up until now
  6. Yeah who needs expansive modular synths when you can produce so beautiful farts within maxmsp???
  7. Is it still a 128kbps stream? It sounds better to me than the first session (might just be some weird brain trick tho)
  8. Could this be... A hiphop track??????
  9. Made me think of it too. I love this more 4/4 approach!
  10. Yeah I guess everybody understood that they've been lazily pressing the same Max/MSP button generating the same noise for the past 20 years now, if that's what you call "consistency of vision" !
  11. I don't understand the hate towards the maxMSP thing really. They just refined their art to the point where they design themselves every tool they need. That's quite possibly the maximal dedication one can give to its art isn't it ? That being said I'm not 100% fan of their stuff since Exai. But I read their RA interview for the first time yesterday and I was really happy for them because you can feel how much work has been put within this and how they are probably enjoying themselves more than they did anytime in their career!!!
  12. Showerthought : I realized that this behemoth might very well be their last physical release. They're clearly very happy with the way they produce and release music right now, and it feels like they decided to gift their fans an opportunity to own everything on a physical support - which we couldn't get with elseq. The release isn't an album and has no name. I'd love to hear an Autechre 60mn LP but I guess they are waaaaaaay ahead of their game and already understood what steps were to come after the age of albums and 80-minutes-max standards.
  13. I am waiting until the end of the month myself. I don’t want to assume that this is definitely the process that Warp are going forward with, but for a project of this scale (12 LPs as one box-set or four separate 3xLP sets) it would be a wise decision to take pre-orders first in order to better determine how many copies should be pressed, and then go forward with the pressing of the records/CDs and the manufacturing of the sleeves/packaging. I wouldn’t build up too much FOMO, as I am sure that all who want it will be able to secure a copy. I'm facing the same dilemma haha. That would explain the 3-months-later shipment as well. But I don't know I would just be so sad if it just sold out within a few days !
  14. Is Autechre relevant anymore?

  15. When they released Elseq I was like "god if that turned into a physical edition, like an 8LP boxset costing me 200€ I wouldn't care and instabuy it" but well now that I have the opportunity to actually buy it I'm not sure. Like I don't even know when I would give it a proper listen :(
  16. And now it sounds just like Untilted hahaha
  17. Very curious to hear how that will sound! If I remember correctly they've been using The Designers Republic's hand drawn waveform for quite some time now and it brought interesting results.
  18. I used the software Audacity to export a double audiophile file (48 bits WAV no less). Took me 10 hours of rendering, but I had to delete the whole thing because I wasn't pleased with the look of the waveform.
  19. Pfff who listens to FLAC anyway? Real fans only listen to digital vinyls pressed straight from the stream!
  20. at 40 minutes in the water turns to acid and an alien parasite reaches up through the drain and grabs your leg, the walls start to digitally decompose around you and your brain jizz is leaking everywhere and you cant find your eyes in the water and there is mad splashing panic mode spine spasm engageAren't you the guy providing track names for Venetian Snares? That post could be the name of his next glitch album lol
  21. It's already been blocked by Warp for copyright infringement, if we were looking for proof that the set was to be released at some point !
  22. i ordered the new pos the day they were announced along with some sync cables and a shirt. the pos shipped immediately but the cables and shirt just shipped =\ like a month and a half later I saw they're have job offers atm, maybe it's because they've been a bit overwhelmed with the recent POs (and they also might be anticipating the massive response to the upcoming OP-Z announcement ! End of my story, I went on an emotional roller-coaster because the missus told me when she got home that we actually had AAA batteries in stock. So yeah the little beast is on, feel free to move my post to the first world successes thread
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