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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BCM

  1. Also, I'd say that your music is not considered Christian here because of the title.


    It's because you write shit like this to describe it:


    "This song tells the story of how Jesus comes to Earth. There is written that He will wonder if there is still faith."


    I don't believe you have been banned from any forum for your music not being Christian enough. I think pretty much every time you get banned for spamming, and probably having the odd melt-down where you're horrible to everyone.


    Luckily on WATMM we find melt-downs incredibly entertaining.



  2. Oh dear lol, well there are plenty of other Christian music forums. You can't be banned from all of them...c-can you? You are aren't you. You're banned from every fucking Christian music site on the net and that's why you've ended up here.


    • Haha 3
  3. Must be a bit of Lost in Translation going on here, I'm guessing. A typical Brit might think it's a rather amusing piece of text. Others think it's a load of BS which looks like it wants to put itself on an unreasonable high white horse.
    If you want to understand that other side, think of how people would typically think of British tourists. Are they little trolling bullies like Trump? Or are they these civilised creatures that never bully, hate trolling, and love David over Goliath? The Brits may not like Trump for the same reasons people don't like British tourists.
    it's not black and white though is it? like, most british tourists are not badly behaved. a minority are yes, but that could be said about any nationality. i must say that you do seem to be getting further and further towards trolling status godel. try not being rude and be a bit more balanced maybe.
  4. am i speaking a different language to everyone else? why do people keep interpreting really quite harmless posts of mine to be something to get worked up about and start pointing at me and crying "UNBELIEVER!!"

    like trying to get the mob to give me the forum equivalent of a lynching.


    what the hell does "go live in Italy, snowflake" even mean? is that supposed to be insulting?


    what i'm saying is nothing other than the truth, and that this whole thing is going to be extremely hard to "put back in the box" as it were. at some point quite soon, people will need to go back to work and business will need to reopen. otherwise we will be facing a hugely bigger problem than covid. this is understood and agreed by most thinking people.


    i'm asserting that because the narrative has shit everybody up so much (unnecessarily), it's going to be very hard to convince people it's safe to start working again etc. this is going to be a big problem, and one that didn't need to be a problem.





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