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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BCM

  1. Looks like very poor reporting. Perhaps fake news even.
    It's true that it's a highly nuanced topic, but the underlying epidemiological definitions would be very clear. And of the upmost importance that it is internationally being applied as good as possible. Otherwise, the data is meaningless and research is useless. You can bet your life that plenty of researchers (and the WHO) have been and are looking at this like hawks. 
    Without knowing the underlying epidemiological definitions, this article is worthless and pure speculation. Perhaps to get people to believe it's all a hoax. 
    Also, the presented argument isn't very strong either. Yes, people don't die "from" Covid-19. They die because of complications related to Covid-19. And especially when comorbidities are involved.
    If there are comorbidities, it's hard to say whether a person died because of disease X or Y. That's a given. Within the current circumstances though, the question soon becomes whether a patient would have these complications (with this severity) without Covid-19. Here you'd also have an argument about, well, lets say these complications might have existed before Covid-19, but suddenly became much more severe. Resulting in death. There's still an argument here where you could safely argue this death should be counted as Covid-19 related. Because otherwise, the impact of treatment might have been completely different.
    Here's another mindfucker: if patient X dies of an untreated stroke (no Covid-19). And it's untreated because all physicians were busy treating Covid-19 patients and made a conscious choice not to treat patient X because of this, would you count this death under Covid-19? I'm sure that's a no, but really, this needs some thinking is not obvious when you think about it.
    it's a no, i'd argue, because you want to assess the risk of dying to covid-19 by counting all patients with covid-19. including those with comorbidities, btw.
    In short: looks like poor reporting to me.
    all of the things they have reported were also reported in The Telegraph as well, just with a more muted headline.
  2. what ignorance tho? all I am advocating is that (mainly) you, but some others, calm down a bit and try to not totally freak out. how is that a bad thing? like, you want to be in a state of total fear all the time? what good is that going to do?

    not saying that this isn't a serious issue at all, just don't believe that thinking the worst, and purposely seeking out terrifying news stories is helpful or achieves anything other than stressing yourself (and others) out, to no practical end.

    if you can't understand that, maybe you shouldn't be throwing around the ignorant label quite so much.

  3. Piss off. You argue in bad faith and either you are an ignorant fuck or you come from a privileged background if you are not worried about any of this.
    lol at me coming from a privileged background. and i'm not saying i'm not worried about any of this - definitely concerned for sure, but trying to keep some perspective and like yeah, NOT freak out. doesn't help anything does it? i'm of course following advice to socially distance and work from home etc, but aren't going out of my way to look for stories in the news which will make me overly worried unnecessarily. think you should do the same tbqh, no point shitting yourself up is there? what's it accomplish? bugger all mate.

    also, why you insulting me? not necessary either, and only making yourself look silly.
  4. God I'm freaking out about India now. It's starting to spread there rapidly and on top of that their warring in Kashmir with Pakistan and genociding the Muslim population again.
    dude, why are you seeking this stuff out? you're obviously a person prone to freaking out, catastrophising and generally thinking the worst...maybe turn off the news for a bit and read a book or something? recommend it not being a book about the end of the world.
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    Don't  know about that 1st video but the 2nd one with the train is years old and has nothing to do with the virus.
    but Entorwellian wants to believe it. he wants to think the absolute worst is going to happen.

    not quite sure why.
  6. yeah I've had all of those symptoms in the last 10 days or so, apart from i only had very mild aches that I wouldn't have really put down to anything if there wasn't this coronavirus issue everywhere. no real cough other than every now and again clearing some mucous, mild headache (easily banished with paracetamol), hot feeling face, bit hot under the armpits and slightly flushed. had a little bit of an upset stomach as well for 2 days, but nothing major. mostly feel perfectly alright now, and if I had been living under a rock and hadn't heard of covid-19 I wouldn't have given the above a second thought.





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  7. most of the bars, restaurants and pubs in my town have shut their doors until further notice, no more burgers for me! well, not unless I make them myself of course. which I will. if I can get some meat from somewhere...

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