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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BCM

  1. you think i'm an accelerationist? if acceleration is happening i can't help but point it out.  i want to remove this entire system so that no more acceleration is possible.  if it's happening and i can point it out, you can bet your life i'm going to point it out.  you on the other hand are trying to deny it and play feelings politics with me, getting mad that i'm merely pointing it out.  i want private property abolished in favor of communal property so that NOBODY is in poverty, and the current acceleration is evidence that this needs to be done.  but me pointing that out is wrong, and your feelings politics of focusing merely on the crisis at hand rather than the larger superstructural problems are in your view more humane, I say they are not
    you sound jealous of people with more stuff than you
  2. shit is probably going to get locked down in UK in next 2-3 weeks. no bars, restaurants etc will be allowed to open. so we'll all be stuck at home internetting like mad... get in this bunker whilst there's still time! going to have to batten down the hatches soon and not let anybody else in.

  3. I'm considering digging a 90ft deep hole in my garden and building an apocalypse ready bolthole for me and a few select members of WATMM to hide in for the foreseeable future.


    The question is - which WATMMers should I take with me and why?

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