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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BCM

  1. lol

    actually, imo, and at the risk of being hated, i'm of the opinion that the 707 is a bit overrated (i've got one so speaking from experience).

    it looks super cool, it has a nice interface and is real usable yes, but the sounds are pretty stale really and not that versatile. very similar to 505 and 626 - i.e. pretty dry uninspired "real" sounding hits. don't get me wrong, i'm not hating on it and it's certainly a classic, but there's really no need to own one and pay £400+ for the pleasure, outside collecting purposes.

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  2. hope we haven't forgot the 2018 elections for the senate.
    the only reason trump will win, is if people don't vote. it's all about activation of people. trumps base is trumps base. it's not a growing base, as far as i'm aware. so the only way to push trump aside is to get people out to vote. it's really that simple.
    this defeatist nonsense about trump winning again in 2020 is just that: nonsense. sounds like a narrative pushed by pro-trumpers to stop people from voting out of some form of hopelessness. don't believe that nonsense.
    i hope you're right and i'm wrong. sincerely i do.
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