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Everything posted by MisterE

  1. i was right about sam hyde and nobody would listen

  2. re: genesis vid the metal spacekazoid outfit is.. wack long blonde pigtails are, ok i guess watever re flesh without blood- jesus remember when people used to bitch about mtv not showing music videos anymore? maybe its a good thing. i mean, music videos are kinda retarded. especially this one.
  3. yeah i saw the other guy falling with glens hands right on his shoulder so i assumed some of that mess was that other guy, but you keep seeing more and more intestinal guts being pulled and it just went on for what seemed like forever with glens big old crybaby face just cryin and cryin while more messy bowels are just getting tugged on, its like at some point thats gotta be glens insides doesnt it? based on how these zombies can just instantly pull out someones insides, there should be no way for glen to get out of that spot, or no way that some of those guts weren't already his
  4. ok a few things a) at this point i feel like im mostly just watching the show to bitch about it b) imho rick's plan for dealing with the pit zombies was utterly fucking retarded. i think just about anyone alive, placed in that situation, if zombies were somehow real, their first idea would be 'lets make molotovs and catch them on fire from above'. a few zombies get blazed, wander around, light up a few more, it spreads and they're all lit up, end of. but noooooooo. dumb mother fucker has to concoct the most convoluted possible idea, to go on a little stroll across the country with a million zombies. like, what could go wrong dude? c) so basically imo rick is responsible for everyone's deaths. but d) rick's decision making should've been seriously examined looooooooong before this point anyway! e) i must say it did bother me about glen. i) i mean, nobody should be above getting eaten. nobody should be safe because then theres no real threat ii) but cmon, its glen. for me he's prob the second guy right after daryl who should not be eaten, or iii) if he IS going to go down, it should be a lot more badass, like when daryl's bro went down, that was actually pretty fucken rad i must say. f) ok but here's what pissed me off even more about the glen thing. when that stupid talking dead show comes on, and the guy says something like 'yeah so nobody from the show is a guest here tonight but don't let that give you any ideas or assumptions about the show' (and i swear i was in the process of turning the channel as he's saying this), so then i'm like 'ok well thanks asshole, but i hadn't had any thoughts or assumptions about that until just now when you said that'. THEN like right after that he says 'what appears to be glen getting eaten'. WTF if those assholes, ok i mean the guy blew his brains out, he and glen fall, then you dont see that other guy you just see guts, assume theyre glen's, and then some guy says they 'appeared to be' glens guts. i can't fucking believe it. if those assholes somehow wrote glen a way out of that, i'm gonna be even more pissed that they UNkilled him than i was about him being dead. thats fucking bullshit hes on his back, surrounded by dozens of them, and even if those guts did belong to that other dick for brains, the zombies are bending over to pull them out of that guy's carcass, and theyd see glens big ole crying face and start eating him too. this is seriously stupid if that was all a trick and glen gets out of there alive. god damn i hate this show
  5. aha so that's why 'they' had to silence him! oh man all the pieces are falling into place now
  6. oh my godddddd limpy who do you think is setting these things up? is it obama or is he just a puppet, maybe of some shadowy, like a group who secretly runs things?
  7. you are pretty confused because i never suggested that at all and in fact i clearly stated at least a couple of times that i feel that he likely did some or most of the things he's accused of.
  8. again, at this point i feel like cosby almost def did some of the things hes accused of, but didn't he just admit to getting pills to like, give to women but denied that it was to rape them but just like, to party with them or whatever? i'm a little ignorant on the exact thing he admitted to, you're talking about the deposition thing right? i totally agree that what i heard of what he said there def does make it more likely he did the things hes accused of imo, but technically i dont think he actually admitted to rape. someone could parse those words and say that all he admitted to was procuring drugs for women he hung out with, and when most people in hollywood are doing drugs you can hardly call that a capital offense can you? again, yeah it definitely makes him look more guilty considering the nature of the accusations but my understanding is that when he admitted to getting those pills and giving them to women, he explicitly denied it was to rape them. lots of people were popping ludes back then, watch a cheech and chong. but yeah his recent denial was pretty shit, obviously
  9. @limp when you say like the way i think you mean that you really dont like it right i feel like cosby prob def did rape or assault some of those women. but i also feel like his statements that got him on the bad side of the naacp and the PC leaning side of the spectrum probably also had some affect on how that particular side of the spectrum reacted to the allegations coming out recently. some people seemed a bit glad to see it going down, that's all im saying and yeah the families/parents of the kids in the alleged MJ incidents were always shady as fuck but that doesnt take away from the fact that MJ himself was creepy as all fuck and doing things that would get anyone else who wasn't him labelled as a likely pedo, and rightfully so. people have a kind of built in detector for this particular type of creep factor, probably something to do with the innate natural instinct people have when it comes to their kids, a sort of evolutionary thing where people tend to not want their kids diddled by fuckin weirdos. so people tend to look at that type of behavior such as sleeping with children and be weary of that. imo that's totally natural and if people didn't have that sort of judgement we prob never would've survived as a species or evolved into one in the first place. and if someone doesn't have that kind of judgement i hope they don't have kids. how many people supposedly in denial that MJ did anything sexual with those kids, or at least wanted to, would actually let their own kids sleep in bed with him? another thing, isn't it entirely likely that a lets say hypothetical child predator, would likely have to look for kids with unusual parents? we say 'oh the parents were shady and coming up with crazy contradictory stories' and they also obviously saw the lawsuits against MJ as a ticket to easy street, yeah ok. but so what? normal parents wouldn't let their kids sleep at MJ's place in the first place! so they obviously ALREADY saw money in their eyes when they first let him around their kids. and this is pretty evident by reading into the backgrounds of the stories. these people were giving him access to their kids in return for money/gifts/etc. that's already shady. and someone who wanted to have access to kids and was famous and rich would pretty much need to depend on finding kids with those exact types of parents to get access to kids, now wouldn't they? so i don't personally feel that the parents turning out to be shady themselves really makes it any less likely that MJ did what he was accused of. in fact it totally fits the type of families a predator would have to find and groom, to get close to kids. ones with shitty parents.
  10. let's bring this full circle and imagine if MJ had been the one to publicly make comments such as that young black males should stop dropping out of school and start pulling up their pants and acting more respectable... would we all be pretty sure he had touched the weiners he was accused of touching then? or at least what % of people who are in the 'he probably didnt do anything with those kids' would be in the 'ok he did it hes scum' camp? would i be wrong to assume a possibility that it would at least be some % that would change their vote on the issue?
  11. how many people do any of us know who frequently have kids who arent theirs or even related to them, sleeping in bed with them, and what would we think if we heard of someone doing that, and they hadn't made thriller?
  12. how many kids would've had to have said MJ touched their weiners for it to have become just a factual thing that obviously happened, as this cosby thing is accepted to be now? what exact number is that line on? what number of women was it where cosby went from an accused rapist to an actual one?
  13. yeh there was nothing at all off about mj. nothing, ya know... weird. invitin ppls kids to do sleepovers with him in bed, a grown ass adult man, totally normal
  14. just noticed, jerry seinfeld basically has like a mullet
  15. read? we communicate in images and image macros now. welcome to the future
  16. why i just feel like this thread (nay- the world) isn't ready for your meme stylings yet. give it another 50-100 pages and you'll be hailed as the great prophet who foretold and ushered in a new era of meme madness. and by madness i mean insanity
  17. but isnt watmm maybe only 2 steps away from being a chan, this thread itself maybe only 1? and isn't the fact that a guy is in here, supposedly having a 'meltdown', expressed through memes- a meme-meltdown... isn't that a possible indicator that the obsession with memes is unhealthy? isn't it possible that whyless is the future of all meme-posters? communicating emotional breakdowns via meme? maybe why was an inevitable eventuality of this thread, and he just happened to be the first one to snap? you guys are playing with psychic cyberfire with these condensed ass, danky ass memes. you have no one to blame but yourselves, whatever happens.
  18. cuz thats what its all about, pussy and dick!

    1. triachus


      *names a cat Richard* I've got it all babe

  19. never really checked out these funny pics threads until now, glad i did! im literally loling. anyway thought i'd try to contribute. hope im doing this right...
  20. if you're comin' on.... COME ON

    1. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      *cums on MisterE*

  21. bit of a tangent away from that, but the situation with cops raiding homes is fucking ridiculous. i've seen articles where they raid a house at like 4am, a guy comes out of his bedroom with a sheathed knife and so they pop him in the head like hes some criminal scum, when they're the ones breaking and entering into his house. the whole reason they raided was because they found empty weed baggies in his trash. regardless of that, if the cops are going to go get someone from their house, they shouldn't be allowed to do it after a certain time in the evening, if they are going to barge in they should make sure someone in the house is aware they are coming in first, but really imo they should have to try to stake the place out and grab the person as they leave the house. maybe raids should only be reserved for cases where someone has got away from them already or they know that someone inside is in danger or whatever. anyway the laws governing how they do that shit need serious reform. maybe itd require a constitutional amendment saying that someone's house is a place where they can basically expect to be safe and chill, and not have cops bust in and shoot them.
  22. ha. a % of me has very strong suspicions about that being why trump is in there. he's very suspicious. considering just a few years ago he was kissing hill/bill's asses, calling them great friends, great people, great leaders, etc. i think as recently as 2013 unless i'm mistaken. then less than a year after a quote where he's praising hillary as sec of state, he's out there saying shes the worst one we've had in history. pretty drastic, and i never saw that he gave any explanation for why he flipped on her so radically. some people assume maybe the benghazi thing, but i'm pretty sure one of his quotes of praise was after that incident. i just think flipping like that on a character like her is just unnatural. especially when the guy is trying to sell himself as a conservative now, and hillary is seen as a gorgon to them.
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