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Everything posted by MisterE

  1. i dont think the RNC likes trump but they feel forced into 'being nice' (as trump says) to him, for fear that he'll run independent and tank their chances. it's almost like he's holding them hostage. as far as carson, if he's 'token' anything it's not for the GOP, it's for the voters, who it seems pretty clear to me are the only reason he got on that stage, because some of them like him. to get in that debate the candidates needed good polling numbers. imo it's a good thing that people still have some chance to get on a stage like that because of that kind of grass-roots support. so maybe he's the token black for the conservative voters, but it seems to me like they actually like what he has to say. i saw a few polls suggesting that his popularity may have went up some due to that debate, also. if the GOP/RNC were allowed to just step in and pick their guy (without having to worry about trump), it'd almost surely be bush, or maybe rubio.
  2. Terrible, I know right? No pure free speech on this board apparently. Some people just can't deal with reality imo. At least he never apologized, that's pretty great. no pure free speech? i'll be got-damned. sounds like good ole fashioned right wing fascism to me.
  3. @chen from a wiki: In the United States after Reconstruction, the phrase "the Left" was used to describe those who supported trade unions, the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement.[18][19] More recently in the United States, left-wing and right-wing have ---> often <--- been used as synonyms for Democratic and Republican, or as synonyms for liberalism and conservatism respectively.[20][21][22][23] not that you didn't already know who i was talking about when i said 'left wing type voters'. everyone understands what is being said when the phrases 'left wing' or 'left of center' or 'right wing/right of center' or even 'center' itself (which you used, and which is a relative concept that couldn't exist without something to either side, making your post self-contradictory), when those phrases are used thousands of times per day, by politicians, pundits, and others in the media, and regular run of the mill people. those phrases turn up tens of millions of google hits. whether you want it to be a thing or not isn't really relevant to whether it is. and this is beside the fact that 'right wing' is thrown around here pretty frequently and you don't seem to have any problem with that. and yes i'm aware that a lot of "libruls" aren't happy with hillary. but largely it's because she's not far enough LEFT for them. hillary is out there now, trying to appear more liberal (notice the article calls sanders 'left-wing') to prevent sanders from wooing them. obviously kasich is putting himself out there as centrist, but so what? he'd have the same problem in the general election, with people further right not being too thrilled to come out and vote for him. and there's more i could say about that, but excuse me i have to go have sex with my sisters and drink some moonshine, then i gotta go load my trusty six shooter, my shotguns, go huntin fer varmints and lost city folk aka "libruls" to eat. right after i find my banjo. (as an aside- fuk u)
  4. i'm not totally sure how his polling is here in ohio (i've seen a few saying he'd lose to hillary), but i know that his touting of all the improvements he's made here, is going to fall on some pretty deaf ears. prob literally hundreds of towns/small cities here are basically wasting away into pill slums. my home town seems to have had a serial killer stalking prostitutes in the past year... there weren't pill addicted prostitutes in that town in the 90s. not saying that's his fault (it's been happening for maybe 10-15yrs or more), but he shouldn't be taking credit for fixing something that clearly isn't. another thing, when he throws out his 5.whatever % unemployment rate figure, that's the same exact dishonest figure Obama uses for the nation. if you just drop people off from being tallied in that figure after they aren't looking for work for like what it is now, 2 weeks? so now you don't call them "unemployed", that's basically just lying about the amount of unemployed people. it's just redefining the word unemployed so that you have a better number to report, and it's really just a flat out lie and should be shouted down as one by the media, if they were honest and doing their actual jobs. but people know it when they look around and it doesn't jive with what they see. so again, i think kasich's stats he throws out (which by the way, also mirror the same 'changes' that happened at the national level, after those stats/numbers were massaged properly, which means he can't attribute any of the supposed 'improvement' in ohio to himself necessarily, anyway) are also going to fall on deaf ears here. we, just like the rest of the country, actually have record low participation in the workforce (aka, to honest people, as 'unemployment'), at the lowest since 78. there's a reason carter didn't get re-elected and that was a big part of it. i'm sure plenty of left wing type voters and pundits would like to see a guy like kasich (or anyone else they know would lose to hillary) get the R nomination but unfortunately for them it's not their decision to make (unless they go out in droves and vote at the republican primary (which wouldn't surprise me)).
  5. also i think they need to get their shit together if they're going to be hosting these things, and do more to make sure that everyone gets something closer to equal time. start by giving them an equal amount of questions. pretty simple.
  6. yeah i thought that was pretty weird too... if i were forced to guess, it'd have to have something to do with fox and ideas on their part about which of the candidates should be emphasized. i get the impression that fox doesn't like trump, and they thought they'd grill him a bit. yeah they grilled all of them and i feel like that should be done more in these kinds of things. a lot more. they should be held accountable and have to explain things they've done in the past which don't jive with whatever they're saying now. but they seemed, imo, to be coming out with a sharper knives at trump. maybe they gave Kasich more time because of his brand of supposed 'compassionate conservatism' and they wanted that to counterbalance some of the expected shit-show with trump, re: illegals. i feel like they probably want a more 'centrist' guy like bush to get it (and have since the beginning, and are increasingly frustrated that he hasn't become 'inevitable' like hillary was or seemed to be for a while) and they tried to damage trump a bit by hitting him with some of the harder questions they hit anyone with. and anyone may disagree with that, but i'm sure i personally could find some things that the republican voters were upset with (or would be had they known), with each of those other candidates which could've easily been thrown in their faces but wasn't. just one example off the top of my head is the TPA flip flop from cruz, which anyone who's payed any attention at all would know was the thing that probably hurt cruz with his own supporters the most. why didn't they throw that in his face and ask him to explain that (i would've loved that)? why didn't they hit christie with the bridge scandal/incident? if we dug as far back into the past with the others as they did with trump i'm sure you could find plenty of things that could damage any of those guys if they didn't have a great answer ready. it seemed to me that fox went after trump in the debate, and it backfired and he ended up using it to get more time to make it about him, with the result of fox actually helping him out. i think even that retarded focus group thing they did at the end was possibly rigged to try to push their ideas about trump onto the viewers. or is it just some miraculous thing that they managed to, purely at random, find a room full of republican voters who all think trump is a terrible candidate, while his polls were showing a completely different story going into the debate, and he said nothing during it that should really change anyone's mind about him. he was himself. he did the same thing that got him up in those polls. imo there's a good chance fox rigged that focus group. and even since the debate you have some reports looking like that the debate didn't hurt trump (contrary to the overwhelming sentiment expressed by their focus group), or maybe even helped him, which should imo make republican voters suspicious of fox. fox's cred should be hurt with them after this debate. imo the whole idea of something like that focus group is like they're treating the people at home as imbeciles who need to see what other imbeciles think about what we all just heard, before or instead of actually applying their own brains to it and just thinking how they feel about what they heard. it looks like total blatant brainwash to me. and with regard to how slanted it was against trump (again, just talking about the focus group thing here), maybe they just randomly grabbed those people, but i have doubts is all i'm saying.
  7. actually he spent 0% of his time doing that. a quick look through the transcripts shows that he only mentions anything about surgery twice- once in the closing statement, and there he was joking and wasn't comparing politics to surgery, just noting things he had done, and one other time before that when he said: "...you know, I was asked by an NPR reporter once, why don’t I talk about race that often. I said it’s because I’m a neurosurgeon. And she thought that was a strange response. And you say — I said, you see, when I take someone to the operating room, I’m actually operating on the thing that makes them who they are. The skin doesn’t make them who they are." there he was just talking about race, and wasn't comparing the issue to surgery in a way that nobody without that background could dispute. it wasn't a metaphor or anything, just a simple statement relating to his experience and ideas about race. nowhere else did he mention surgery. i felt that they gave him probably among the least opportunities to talk out of all the candidates.
  8. i hope aliens do destroy earth i hope they murder us all
  9. i dont know guys, i've uh, checked the hashtags on that quote, and the watermarkings and file signatures and they all seem to add up to 800 new afex albums also, the readings on my PKE meter are THROUGH THE ROOF
  10. how about the CRA? it pushed those banks to make a lot of those loans to people who they knew could never pay them back? it wasn't a form of regulation itself? the idea that the problem was caused by rampant free market capitalism is ridiculous. banks were given incentives through the CRA to give risky loans. then you also have the fed, manipulating interest rates drastically, causing all kinds of chaos. then fannie+freddie step in, buy those loans, and they're backed by the gov and therefore supported by tax dollars. at one point they announced their low income loan commitments at $5trillion. the whole thing was a racket. the banks got their bonuses out of it but the gov was orchestrating the whole thing. 'too big to fail' and bailouts also came from the gov. that's hardly a free market with a lack of regulation.
  11. https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A"martin+brinkmann" this guy's stuff, a discovery i made yeaaaaars ago when i got the idea to check out music made by (free) plugin developers and spent plenty of hours going to all the webpages (many of which are now down) and checking for a 'music' section. he's made stuff for max and reaktor also. this guy's stuff was prob the best i found in that search. this one was my favorite and i liked sleeping to it. for some reason the player doesn't work for those tracks, but you can download them still. this one's pretty good too. i haven't caught up on any of the ones since ~2007 so i don't know about those. i hadn't gotten into any of the featured artists here (or heard most), at that time.
  12. mike tyson has his own tv show on adult swim and has had a pretty decent string of movie appearances. seems some rapists are more equal than others.
  13. remember seeing that demo a couple months ago, forgot all about it. pretty good demo.
  14. well always remember u der, in our harts and minds. of all the souls i've chatmmd with.. his was the most.. human :(((

  15. yeh tbh i hadn't looked at this thread in a while so apologies if some of the stuff i mentioned was already addressed, i didn't wanna read a million posts to catch up. but i did look a bit after posting and saw you talking about other private polls and the monthly reset idea, and other things based on things rich said to you. that gives me an idea that rich is putting more thought into it than just a simple vote for a simple release, but that maybe instead there could be multiple rounds of voting to really narrow it down, and make sure the end product(s) is quality. which to me seems like a good thing. i noticed how when i was voting, i was partly thinking of it as 'what would work on an album' instead of just picking the tracks i liked best. the HAB/RDJ type tracks just don't seem like theyd fit on a release with the older AB/CW/GAK/strider/etc type tracks (as mentioned by others). so maybe having multiple rounds of voting or whatever could be used to zoom in on not only what tracks are favored, but also which ones go together best etc, and i feel like thats what rich (and you) are kind of aiming for. nice, good job!
  16. oh yeah, one other thing i noticed- why are the tracks which are contenders for surfing on sine waves 2 (the ones in rich's playlist for it) in this list? if they have a decent chance of being released on that, it seems to me like voting on those tracks here, is like throwing a vote away. maybe if a track on his sosw2 playlist doesn't make it onto sosw2, then it could still go here but i doubt it'd get left off sosw2 if its a worthy track anyway. and rich could always step in and pick a few tracks himself if he thinks something slipped through the cracks somehow. also there was at least one or two tracks which were already released, example being the 'japan' track. to me, the main benefit of a track getting released out of this batch is that it gets maybe a better transfer and then also mastered. the japan track already got that. besides the fact that its a remix of some other bands'/musicians' track (i can't remember which at the moment). i dunno, imo that and any of the others that got released (also including the one from AB5 because it sounds almost exactly the same and the rip of AB5 floating around sounds pretty nice already), shouldn't be on whatever release comes from this vote, and by extension, shouldn't be on the vote. but thats just imo i guess.
  17. i voted a few days ago and i gotta say, the moment i saw that i could see how many votes each track got, i knew it would influence my votes. and it did. i tried to zoom in on the page in my browser to cut off the vote # so i couldn't see it, but i had to zoom back out to vote and i would then see it and the other tracks above/below, and sometimes i would just not deal with that so i ended up seeing some of the votes. if a track had a lot of votes already, seemed to be a sure thing, i sometimes changed my mind about voting for it, figured my vote could do better somewhere else. in other cases the opposite was true. i just think if the votes were invisible, people would've been forced to actually just pick the tracks THEY LIKE. i don't even think play counts or comments should be visible on that list. just my 2 cents. other than that i think you did a good job setting it all up.
  18. lol, these florida bros were gonna bomb NYC, one scouted locations on a bike and was going to make a bomb out of christmas tree lights. i bet they smoke flakka too. crazy floridians http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/11/us-usa-security-florida-idUSKBN0OR2GX20150611
  19. Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god.. you say YES

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