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Everything posted by Glunk

  1. encey i have cursed you with depression have a nice time in 5 years
  2. i'm trying this 'fake it til you make it' thing right now... it's... okay... actually no it's a piece of shit
  4. just remember that getting through the day is an accomplishment, and look how many days we got through WE DID IT!!!!
  5. seal flipper pie and cod tongues, yum yum
  6. i need help finding a therapist. i don't have the money or the energy. i've had some pretty bad therapists before and i'm afraid the first one i see is going to be shit. i also don't have insurance and am afraid i'm going to be denied coverage it's been nearly 2 weeks since my boyfriend said he needed to "think about things" and "isn't sure anymore about the future of our relationship". so we're probably gonna break up but he keeps sleeping in my bed and kissing me goodbye. it's so confusing. if this relationship continues i need to feel secure or else there's no fucking point. i can't handle this right now. i'm so nervous i feel sick
  7. everything just seems so absurd., i dont know what i wat
  8. could go out i suppose. but feeling too weird. just drinking alone, but it's kind of boring. i honestly have no idea qwhat i'm doing any i spilled wine on my keyboard last week and some of the keys dont work anymore, including backspace ahwell
  9. i don't know what to do why can't i just stay in bed and die there
  10. everything time to get really, really drunk
  11. the other day my dream featured a payphone that dispensed really thin joints for only a quarter. useful, but, i was trying to phone someone i keep having these dreams where i try to speak but everything that comes out is nearly unrecognizable, extremely slurred speech, as if i were actually trying to speak from my sleeping mouth.
  12. being an anxious sketchbag, as usual. i'm on antidepressants now and they make me feel tired and sluggish. im a slug! revealing intimate information to strangers is definitely a first world problem
  13. the men i know in real life are not much different than the men of watmm :(
  14. "shouldn't you know what the starting salary is for someone with the degree you're working on?" uhhhh
  15. the tropes in this show are fucking hilarious, though i'm disappointed that none of the women are very badass. i like how there are scenes with so much tension and then nothing happens, like when that kid took the melee weapons from the dead guy. then there are scenes like in the end where the kid was going towards the deer, and i was laughing my ass off because of that goofy smile he had on his face, and then BAM! i was totally shocked. lol irony
  16. i have to cram for an exam but all i wanna do is play starcraft 2 and eat pumpkin pie which ive been craving for like a week oh god i can barely handle it anymore
  17. quick everyone post more personal things to make eugene awkward
  18. sometimes pretending to be okay is just too fucking hard
  19. ditto. im tempted to drop one of my classes because of it.
  20. oh wait, this thread says stupid and that isn't stupid. now i feel stupid.
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