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Everything posted by Ethel

  1. Top of my head Loess Proswell EOD and left-field Team Doyobi for sure
  2. My mistake everyone, I can owe up to making a mistake. I should have posted my question in here and not have made a thread. Forgive me brothers!
  3. My thoughts exactly. It’s okay to have a thread to focus on negative content, “What’s wrong with Florida?” but not this
  4. I’ll probably get some heat for this but here it goes. There have only been two members of this board who immediately cause my brain to say, piss off. Nebraska and Limpyloo. Call me a kook but speaking of the former have you ever taken a good look at this guys’ posts? If Maga he man Chad is one side of the spectrum Nebraska is the opposite. There’s these old built in, I suspect genetic markers, which illicit an animalistic reaction. And Nebraska is one of them. If the worst of an LA scum edge lord online persona shinned through in the depths of the internet, it appear here in his form. Sup for world peace and Friendly Foils for life. Eat shit and live Nebraska
  5. This was a really enjoyable watch. One of the better films I've seen in the last few years from a well-rounded (scenery, storyline, dialogue) and accessible point of view. It also has stuck with me some for perhaps the same reasons it might have for you, taking into consideration the "hidden contents" you've posted.
  6. Some food for thought. Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold – scheerpost.com Now it's been all but confirmed certain material being fed to us about this war has been embellished or has a false narrative: Attack on Snake Island - Wikipedia This war is no good regardless of who's right or wrong. What's really dangerous here is how the world, for the majority, is backing Russia into a corner. Ukraine is perhaps being used as a proxy war for bigger players. BOC might have been right, albeit a bit off the mark: If you can be told what you can see or read, then it follows that you can be told what to say or think.
  7. Perhaps, get your heads out of the gutter: https://www.sarasotamagazine.com/news-and-profiles/2021/12/brian-laundrie-sarasota
  8. Qi is put in different forms if this helps 杀气(kill qi?) 死气 (Death qi) 阴气 (Yin qi) 阳气 (Yang qi)(天气 地气 玄气 黄气) these four Qis are used as gradings more: 天地玄黄 Taoists uses 灵气 and might use 星辰之力 wu zhe uses 真气 or 刚气 Buddhists use 佛力 monsters uses 妖气 ghosts use 阴气 and 杀气 Demons/ devils use 魔气 and there's another type of demons that use you to become more powerful: the more u think they are powerful the more they get powerful. If you believe in something they can't win
  9. Eat shit and live everyone
  10. Hell yeah, exactly, someone gets how much of a joke this all is btw, legalize ranch
  11. I’ll point you in the right direction, “Philosophical beliefs”. Now if this whole BLM stuff is as you’ve indicated a voice in defiance of police brutality it wouldn’t be shifted towards one race. Systematic racism like my Polish ancestors experienced you say? Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcom X had quite a thing or two to say about ones own-self taking ownership of responsibility or a group with similar backgrounds for themselves. What’s going on in the US is pernicious. I’m not sure what will change it or where were headed. But by trying to whitewash our history and taking our societal grievances into a court of law the blame rest on each of us, individually, who condone it in bad faith. Pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli
  12. This has nothing to do with the point/argument he’s making. E.g., We are making heroes of men like George Floyd and detracting from great men like John Muir. Welcome to damnation
  13. Ethel


    OP you can break those locks, they look pretty weak.
  14. chenGod you've got some patience. I'm pretty sure he's taking the piss at this point.
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