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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. This fucking Pokemon game on the DS!!!! All I seem to be able to do at the moment is make fucking films. It keeps making me do more. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT????
  2. Most modern cars have a CD changer input in the back. Get a plut that fits that with a mini jack and there you go. You may need to short two wires though, i did with mine, otherwise it won't recognise the plug. Now I get radio and my ipod but lose the use of CD unless you either take the plug out or fit a switch on the two shorted wires. Mine: Wasn't expecting much when I looked at the Bleep sale. Got Fennesz 17.02.12 box set for £28. Sure it was hell of a lot more previously. Does anyone have it? Thought?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YVtDk1j9mw
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPRrFEXFKdo
  5. Piers Morgan is the most annoying man on earth.
  6. Chilli Con Carne with home grown broad beans. Lush.
  7. When it gets dark my cat becomes more annoying.
  8. Is that a bottle of Oxford Gold I spot on that table?
  9. Had this beauty at my local pub yesterday. had jalapeños and a red sauce which I forget the name of. Was darker than ketchup and had a weak chilli taste to it. The chips are amazing too.
  10. Not too exciting but did an upside down pineapple cake yesterday and I highly recommend it: For the topping 50g softened butter 50g light soft brown sugar 7 pineapples rings in syrup, drained and syrup glacé cherry For the cake 100g softened butter 100g golden caster sugar 100g self-raising flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. For the topping, beat the butter and sugar together until creamy. Spread over the base and a quarter of the way up the sides of a 20-21cm round cake tin. Arrange pineapple rings on top, then place cherries in the centres of the rings. Place the cake ingredients in a bowl along with 2 tbsp of the pineapple syrup and, using an electric whisk, beat to a soft consistency. Spoon into the tin on top of the pineapple and smooth it out so it’s level. Bake for 35 mins. Leave to stand for 5 mins, then turn out onto a plate. Serve warm with a scoop of ice cream.
  11. Cobra again. Had a party last week and just finishing off what's left.
  12. In weather like this??? U mad??? Cobra. While I await a lift to the pub. Such a hard life.
  13. Came to finish off an assignment that's due tomorrow, not much to do on it really. Go to open the file from the folder and Open Office comes up with a warning telling me that it's not a Win97 file(???) and then closes. Seems there was still a lock file around for it. Got rid of that but still couldn't get in the file Long story short, it was a .doc file that contained a considerable amount of formatted code, tables, diagrams etc. I managed to get the file but only in a horrible text file that I had to fuck about with in Notepad++ for bloody ages for the formatting and redo a few time consuming diagrams, pretty much from memory. Fuck sake.
  14. IPA Reserve and Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit.
  15. Mate just booked tickets to WHP with this lineup: MODERAT LFO PANTHA DU PRINCE DOPPLEREFFEKT MODESELEKTORDJ SET MARCEL DETTMANN BEN KLOCK SCUBA DUSKY GEORGE FITZGERALD KARENNLIVE // FEAT. BLAWAN & PARIAH BEN UFO ZOMBY COSMIN TRG BODDIKA MARTYN BENJAMIN DAMAGE & DOC DANEEKA ANSTAM GREG LORD MEANS&3RD to learn my next exam is on that day and finishes at 5:30pm. Last year we left before 5 to get to Manchester and only just got there in good time (for shits and giggles).
  16. Ha, I've done it 4 times the whole way through. I dunno if I could possibly do it again but it is that good.
  17. 3 points off a distinction on my most recent OU course. Was lazy on the last assignment and thought I completely fucked the exam.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCiF-ndqXv8
  19. Over here, if you swerve out of the way of a puddle when someone is on the pavement during your driving test you fail. Pretend you were on your test. Then do it again.
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