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Everything posted by zlemflolia

  1. even though i havent researched this for even 5 minutes, i need to share my thoughts on the matter. i must take part in the debate what debate? well the one they keep talking about on fox news of course
  2. luckily your opinion doesn't matter, if you ask actual trans people it's an internal mental disconnect from the body, roughly comparable to phantom limb syndrome if that's more understandable to you, and it comes from within entirely. its probably caused by factors like genetics and hormonal conditions in the womb what you are putting forward is called "social contagion theory" originally popularized by the Nazis as an excuse to exterminate LGBT people. so you should rethink. even though you are being seemingly civil in your post, you are spreading tons of misinformation and pontificating on things that you dont really have a right to care about this much, it's not a debate topic its others lives its also not a mystery or something we need to investigate further as a society. it's already settled, but lots of cis people have a newfound pseudo-interest in it created by media narratives
  3. the biggest issue with the medical establishment that trans people face is lack of access to healthcare, both normal healthcare for normal medical issues, and especially trans healthcare which is now illegal in many places or gatekept so much that you are forced to undergo the wrong puberty for years before you get hrt. the problem is NOT receiving too much healthcare. in a world where healthcare is a scarce commodity for the rich, the idea that they are actively giving people too much very expensive healthcare that they don't need is absurd and completely out of line with reality
  4. anyway this is the fundamental issue transphobes like u dont get they arent boys they are girls, trans girls, that you are talking about here what is the right age for a girl to undergo male puberty? no age at all
  5. GOOD THATS THE POINT unfortunately its not as irreversible as you think
  6. castration is basically never performed on trans children, they just take hrt? have you even read about this at all? you know they are taking isolated instances of legitimate medical malpractice and using it to push a narrative of taking away trans peoples rights entirely? or do you not? i suspect you dont know much of anything TBH
  7. remember, when it comes to trans rights, only the voices of detransitioners matter /s
  8. le epic cis debaters owning the trans with facts and logic, trans families and children should realize its not their place to make decisions for their own life, its actually the job of bearded right wing nobs to decide, we definitely need to force trans kids to undergo 18 years of misery and suicidal ideation, thanks for sharing your enlightened worldview, if only we could public-debate-ify even more issues of personal freedom until we figure out the real answer to every one and appropriately ban the freedoms that arent safe for people to have over themselves
  9. use chat gpt to clean your fridge use chat gpt to carry in your groceries this one new trick to use chat gpt to never have to talk to your mother in law again chat gpt, learn how to sell chat gpt over the phone with chat gpt teach your parrot to ward off burglars with chat gpt learn how to get laid with chat gpt (sex edition)
  10. i would pay as much as they ask, i would encourage them to charge more
  11. because of marx's labor theory of value
  12. there is absolutely nothing of value ai can produce
  13. the innermost essences can at time rove and scan those of others, and as this angelic dance of beauty occurs, vibrational energies can be transmitted
  14. thats because even the purest Stallmanist FOSS ideals were nothing but liberal reformism to begin with. only through socialism can we achieve true software freedom, or in other words, freedom for software users and engineers to control the means of software production
  15. in each era the most advanced technology is projected onto the conception of the mind, and of god
  16. it is semi-autonomous, it is a vehicle of class oppression, propaganda dissemination, and psychological operations on a mass scale, designed by decisions made by the owning class, and AI designed with their goals in mind
  17. communists have the right goal in mind. you can critique historical and present methods. if you have no alternative path, what value is there in that overall position? the main issue that socialist and communist countries face is vicious reaction from capitalist countries who want to force them into subservience again, and from the capitalists of their own country. utopian socialists of marx's time wanted to build special compounds with farming and communal labor and hope to just branch off and achieve a peaceful and fair society, but it's not actually viable. so he analyzed capitalism itself and theorized how it behaves and what you must do to fight it, and so far he's been so right that global wars have been fought to suppress those who believe in marxism and socialism. violence perpetrated by the capitalists. so its not fair to say "both socialists and capitalists do so and so" no you must rather look at the mode of production and determine through theory and practice how it must transform, and the soviet union, china, cuba, etc. show the path forward, even though they have a long way to go
  18. well chomsky is not a communist so of course he would say that do you prefer china went down the capitalist road and probably never even remotely reached its current level of advancement, and was just another colony still?
  19. I am known to ramble and take things out of context, but I'm not a troll And no I don't mean imperialism, I mean plain typical capitalism. it was achieved through extremely bloody revolutions and violent theft of resources. and imperialism is anyway a necessary result of capitalist expansion, not something that can even be isolated from it to treat a capitalism as pure until imperialism develops, no rather they are dynamic systems causing one another, resulting in Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism [https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/] maybe youre right that megacorps are more immoral, and maybe small companies that know employees personal are less bad, but a common experience of workers in small mom and pop owned shops is that they are expected to love and care about the company as much as the owners, despite being nothing more than underpaid wage laborers, and are exploited sometimes even more heavily than in megacorps. living in communes in capitalist societies is individualistic lifestyle adventurism and not a pathway to achieving communism unless they are a part of a revolutionary anti-capitalist program supporting a socialist movement, not some nudist hippies (who I have nothing against but they are not communist necessarily) think of it this way, capitalism has a concept of private property as its central principle. but how do you start that? was everyone given some private property and then the capitalism button is pressed and people start competing? no, the richest and most powerful took by force what they wanted, to create their initial capitals. it even continues to this day as financial manipulation bankrups millions, murders others, ruins their government systems, entire public forests are sold for pennies on the dollar to private interests and cut down to create cop cities, etc. the rosy image of competition is propaganda spread by capitalists and their governments
  20. well if you look at how the framework of capitalism itself "got things going" it involves -mass genocide -land enclosure -theft of personal property -privatization of public resources nothing about that is great and once it "gets going", how does it expand and make money? literal theft of the surplus labor value of the workers, each of whom is coerced into working there by the threat of homelessness or poverty
  21. im embarassed for this guy but simultaneously he has millions of people thinking he's great, it's quite a contradiction, he should not exist, as he does (famously)
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