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Everything posted by fxbip

  1. To come back to thread hehe Music is something you do out of love and obsession really.There 0 garantee of any money,fame, success, recognition AT ALL.And it was always like that.Grunt work and hours put it WILL translate in artistic progress eventually but think in terms of decades and hundred and thousands and thousands of hours but even then there is no garantee of anything else.That artistic progress and experience has to be enough in itself or else you will get discouraged.The nice thing is that you learn small things, in small steps everytime your work, everytime you are moving forward, i think when you focus on that it helps keeping your moral. But yeah, Art is hard and there is no shortcut. The great artists are simply people that constantly obsess about their artform and have tremendous passion for it imo.
  2. I will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymoreI will not write with big space anymore
  3. Now that is a good question. I dont even know myself.It just double space everytime i hit enter.Probably lack of knowledge of the WATMM way of spacing sentences.
  4. I think the mistake Brian did is to underestimate the audience or have a bit of a generalization of the audience. Never take for granted what an audience might like or not like. To say it's better to start with bebop because it's easier is not a fact imo. It's like saying the Beatles is easier to get into than Metal. Might be true for some but you can't generalize too much with music, too many variables, too many different subjective point of views with something like music. The guy in front of you maybe will become the biggest free jazz fan of all time, he just doesnt know yet. It's like when people ask what is a good first track to recommend to people that are curious about AFX. Many answer Flim or whatever because it's easier or chill or whatever. Well i would say it certainly can be , but maybe ziggomatic will also really hook them. Really, i think you should never underestimate people ability to feel pieces that are more unconventional or more intense. Best example in my own life are my own mother and my girlfriend. Neither are musicians but through my listening habits they've been expose to really weird and experimental stuff and they often love it. People are surprising.
  5. ''wake me up when we’ve surpassed the wynton marsalis school of music appreciation '' OOF
  6. i think studying music can deepens the appreciation but i dont think its in any way needed or prerequisite all you need to understand music is to have ears i would even argue that the notion that music is to be understood is non sense you either feel it or you dont understanding doesnt mean anything its like people looking at art saying ''i dont understand this painting'' there is nothing to be ''understood'' it is something to be felt more than something to be understood it seems to me
  7. There is an assumption that everyone would understand or prefer bebop to free jazz tho. As someone who likes breakcore, weird idm and contemporary and modern classical, and music with lots of weirdness and dissonance in general, i straight away prefered the real intense free jazz to bebop or cool jazz. I thought i didnt really liked jazz until i started catching some Coltrane, Miles Davis, Albert Ayler or Ceci Taylor wild stuff. The wild stuff was the entry point. Im pretty sure loads of people would say the same. And i think this is in fact one of the issues in classical and jazz. There is not enough concert/radio broadcast with the truly wild shit. Too many people have a vision of it as a something of an elevator music or chill music, with no tension or intensity, music for old people to drink tea. Show the youngsters some Ligeti and some Cecil Taylor, not only Mozart and Smooth Jazz. (and im saying this but i still fkin love Mozart to bits)
  8. Take AFX influence. Take ''one or more other musicians you admire but working in an another style of music'' influence. Merge them.Merge both influence. Ive had decent results doing that. I think originality is often either an improvement on the original influence (like Bach style was Buxtehude style but taken to the next level, and Mozart style was basically Johann Christian Bach style but taken to the next level) OR a merge of vastly different aesthetics in one new sound Of course this is easier said than done haha
  9. Drukqs was heavily influenced by Bogdan and John Cage. Analord was heavily influenced by Detroit Techno/Electro. etc. Fail.Fail better. Free jazz is awesome.
  10. Into the third video and i want to throw up. Dark shit.That Stefan nazi guy. Ugh.
  11. If you would take Facebook, Memes, Youtube, Youporn, Onlyfans, Tik Tok, Selfies, Instagram, Digital Art, Destroyed MP3, Google and everything else, good or bad, there is in the internet and somehow find a way to merge it into sound, thats what it would sound like. Hyperpop feels like internet itself was translated into sound.
  12. Damn son Just wow ? This is it.It says it all.
  13. What i see in him is a constant battle to repress whatever sensitivity he may have to be able to keep his cold rational ideal going. I think he built himself a picture of what it is to be a man or intelligent or successful or what you need to survive in this world and he tries extremely hard to keep that ideal alive not even realizing it might be what makes him so unhappy. The thing is, that it really seems to be difficult at a deep level.Something in him revolts against it.But he can't let go of this ideal.And it burns all of his energy. He does have some sort of sensitivity and intelligence but he denies some part of it by imposing himself these very detached, emotionally repressed views. For that i agree he is different than some other more alt-right people. There is a very real conflict in this man.He seems really unhappy. On top of all of that he is himself a psychologist hahahaha Anyway that is what i see.I might be completely wrong. It's an interesting character i think, from a psychological point of view.
  14. The first thing i noticed is how joyless he seems... Needs more human warmth in his life and philosophy.Good old, basic human warmth, Jordan. It's like he doesn't even let himself feel joy because that would be out of character.It's chilling.
  15. Watched 30 min of one of his videos to see what the fuss is about. I now have a massive headache. lol He has a chilling, articulate, self-controlled, reasonable facade that could come off as wisdom if you don't know better. Like a cold lawyer.He can talk. But this man likes power.He likes to dominate with his words. Seductive Nietzschean persona.Though love dad. And i personally can't trust such guys.
  16. Im not an expert but i self taught myself few tricks for baroque style counterpoint mostly.
  17. Excellent, love that stuff. I once bought a renaissance counterpoint book lol Here some more nerdiness, Leonardo Da Vinci instrument invention: Viola Organista Glorious.Viola da Gamba on a keyboard.
  18. love the eerie melody in that one https://zone--music.bandcamp.com/track/plan-oblique
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