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Meadows and Labyrinths

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Meadows and Labyrinths

  1. wierd, i have no problem with waiting for a release to be in my hands before hearing the music. there's so much music out there, i forget about any delay or release date of an album i'm anticipating and get it when i think about it. everyones different.
  2. Nine Pound Hammer - 12 Ounce Mouse (extended instrumental)
  3. this is out? nope, but i am counting the days
  4. Milieu - Night Currents all this week since i received it. hasn't left the cd player
  5. actually..... yeah i love that show. never heard of it before laura brought home the dvd, and i discovered i was addicted.
  6. I SUMMON LORD SATAN! what do you want, bill? CLEAR THIS PLACE OF SIN WITH YOUR APOCOLYPSE it's "apocalypse," bill. and no, i've got to pick up my laundry. it's fucking thursday. ... YOU WHAT? in fact, you are permanently b7'd from ever summoning me again, bill. get some sleep. WTF
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