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Everything posted by sergeantk

  1. karen tregaskin did a few jams on universal indicator cyan
  2. those traits are not the reason why most chicks want to fuck him i have a project due at midnight and im totally stuck
  3. i just ate pizza and it was lush

    1. usagi


      wicked, mate!

  4. waking up on my couch with no idea what happened in the past 12 hours (my friends family took me to a brewery for his birthday)
  5. i like how at the end the sheep goes in his nostril
  6. Indeed. Cuteness in general is underrated by most electronic musicians right now. it is at this point i feel it worth mentioning that a rubber duck sits atop my audio interface. you guys get it
  7. not even ham? Or stuffing?!?! This is an outrage! just got back. a nice little surprise was there was a roast. so it wasnt a total shit fest. but still it was pretty awful. but hey its not over yet! i get to see them again on Saturday! ughhhhhhhhhh come to my house and play super smash brothers instead jk you should spend time with your family
  8. Music is Rotted One Note is very different from his other records. Its absract and jazzy. But it has this beautiful piece: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o2EPOzW2KQ also i feel like mentioning that this tune is one of my all time favorite to listen to in the transition of summer to autumn. it just feels right
  9. One of my fav records of Tom, not sure how most people feel about it here but its very tasty and melodic. Makes for a fun listen Also check out the Numbers Lucent EP
  10. holy lol at this thread i feel sorry for this guy
  11. xtal slowed down is awesome... not as good as the original but refreshing

  12. peanut butter and banana sandwich... i eat so many of these omg
  13. I'm drinking water out of a Starbucks cup. Where does that leave me? Super hipster, cause that is so ironic
  14. aphex paulstretches all of his tracks confirmed
  15. i wanna cut my fuckin arm off
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