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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by encey

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDZKlo0QyPM


    This is not a terrible-good track, it just genuinely sucks. Jason DeRulo SUCKS!! Listen to those shitty trumpets and farted-out toy piano sounds. Listen to the lyrics that he demonstrably did not write while looking at the girl but rather scrawled out in the time it takes to splurt out a Taco Bell aftermath diarrhoetic crunkalanche. Listen to his autotuned caterwaul like a tomcat in heat with its pecker stuck in the tailpipe of a Mini Cooper. Just fucking TERRIBLE!

  2. WATMM film tagline from the trailer:


    WATMM..... Half bearded, half thick black glasses'd, half female, half bedroom electronic geniuses, half film buffs, half stoners, half grandparents, half children, half digital, half analog, half internet, half pubic hair..... *DUN DUN DUN* AAaAaAAaAaaall WATMM. Coming this Summer to a Winter near you. (featuring Whoopi Goldberg as Joyrex)

    p.s. I pronounce "WATMM" as "waaah-tummm".


    p.p.s. I posted my most recent pic in this here post, but it's faster than light- so you might only remember it after not seeing it. Also, not all browsers are compatible with my faster-than-light-image-format-that I'm trying to make a standard (peace-7.ftlift) And just so there is no GIF JIF pronunciation type confusion, .ftlift="fat lift" Yah, the "that" is part of the format, because without it, merely typing it out tends to suck it out of immediate existence or skews it to another dimension, etc. (also, IE 5 bugs)


    *jots furiously*

  3. ^ the little Prince guy, ahahahah!


    and then ... Rick Ocasek? Springsteen (who, interestingly, seems to be played by a girl who looks like Courtney Cox, who is the girl pulled up on stage in the "Dancing in the Dark" video, right?) ... Lauper ... and the little brother is Billy Idol I guess, which makes the main singer ... Rick Astley?!?!





  4. So, I recall the resurgence of the 1970s from '89-'95 but could anybody help me confirm if it was ever this direct? Everything about this video and song is a 100% direct lift from things like the Fly Girls from In Living Color, production in the vein of Cathy Dennis/Crystal Waters/etc. and wardrobe taken from what appears to have just been 20 year old backlot storage at a studio in LA. Granted, I love it for those reasons stated.



    Looooove this sound! I went on The Hype Machine to listen to some remixes and there are some great ones. early '90s house pop updated for the banger/r&b age :music:


    crap lettucs & toms and pickles bring the crunch factor!


    I love the taste of raw onion but it kills my breath and my stomach :(


    also, what's up with the ketchup on the one a couple of burgers above? ketchup?


    A bit of ketchup is good, but I don't like it smothered all over the burger. I much prefer a lot of mayonnaise and mustard. Mayonnaise is absolutely essential, and I don't mean Miracle Whip. REAL MAYONNAISE


    Me too. Although bbq sauce will pass muster!

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